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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Today's Survey Question 4-18-13

Are you confident with the final numbers 
from the Mayoral and Council election?


  1. Now when there's PAC money involved.

  2. FIXFIXFIXFIXFIXFIXFIXApril 18, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    Hell No, the fix was in from the very beginning.

  3. No, not at all. I do think the media and the outside PAC money helped get Jake Day and Ireton elected, but I still have a feeling the computerize voting booths were tampered with. I would love to see us go back to paper ballots. Give me paper and an ink pen. I still think many people voted by absentee ballot and then went to the polls to vote as well.

  4. Media said you were up 2 to 1 over Ireton. It was rigged.

  5. i absolutely hate you, but i love my money more than i hate you. so i saw these tax increases coming a mile away. there was no doubt this was lose-lose for salisbury, but at least with you, i couldve kept a few dimes in my pocket.

  6. Computer Fraud 100%.

  7. Not sure what is up but something is not right.

  8. I've talked to my friends and coworkers and not one I know voted for Jim. Something stinks.

  9. Somethings does smell funny.

  10. I know you won. I voted for you.

  11. You should someone look into Joe.

  12. JR screwwed with it I hear the incvetigation is under way! thanks to you! GOOD JOB JOE!

  13. Never was confident with the result and very ashamed of being sold for nothing

  14. NO I think the votes were fixed. A re-call should be made.

    Both Ireton and Day are proven liars and both are on the take.

    This smacks of voter fraud throughout the city.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    i absolutely hate you, but i love my money more than i hate you. so i saw these tax increases coming a mile away. there was no doubt this was lose-lose for salisbury, but at least with you, i couldve kept a few dimes in my pocket.

    April 18, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    Love the honesty and I am sure Joe respects your feelings as well or he wouldn't have posted this.

  16. Fix was in. The computers had the numbers before the voting started.

  17. Yes. You got beat, but not fair and square. Ireton used my tax money to campaign via the mayor's office in my opinion. You don't think all those press releases were to keep us informed do you?

  18. One of the polling places was the new Salisbury Fire Department so I am sure Jim Ireton and his cronies had access to this city property.

    Think about it.

  19. Absolutely Not - everything about this election - stinks!! Not one person I know voted for Liarton and I have asked around furthermore I don't know anyone that voted for Day, everyone I know voted for Campbell. Something
    just does not add up - needs to be looked into.

  20. No, I was totally disgusted with the results. Joe and Debbie were my preferences and to this day, I feel like it was "rigged"...somehow, someway. The Dems and Libs cannot stand losing so they will do anything to cheat!

  21. If you watch the TV show Scandal, they throw the election and they showed how they did it with some kind of computer fraud. So, it can be done.

  22. Yes,
    obviously "Anonymous" must not have voted.

  23. Ha. It can be done because you saw it on a tv show called scandal?? Very credible.

  24. Maybe a big investigation going on. Did you notice bow shaky and distracted Ireton was on Monday? What happens if several of our elected officials are removed? Anyone?

  25. You need to contact the State Attorney General to file a protest and investigation into this election. This election is like having the inmates run the prison.

  26. I truly feel the last City of Salisbury election was won by voter fraud. I would like to see us go back to pen and paper ballots with a signature at the bottom. I really think with modern technology the computers were rigged. Point in case did you really see Jim Ireton campaigning? No! Like many of the commenters above said they voted for you and Debbie, but the numbers just don't add up. Did you see a lot of Jim Ireton signs out? No! Like another commenter said one of the polling places was on city property so someone from the city had access to the voting machines. Where was the voting place on city property? It was at the Salisbury Fire Department. So who had something to gain if Jim Ireton and Jake Day won the election? The acting fire chief had a lot to gain if the election was tampered with.

  27. I am extremely disappointed in John Cannon supporting Jim Ireton and Jake Day. John Cannon is supposed to be a registered Republican and he chose his rental property investments over the good of the conservative citizens. RINO Dirt Bag!!

  28. Anyone who has an investment tends to look after it. Those with investments are thinking about their future and retirement years. Certainly that does not make Mr Cannon a bad Republican or a non conservative.

  29. Yes I am,but I'm dissapointed at how many residents want more of the same.They not only detest change,they fear it.They don't realize that no change ignites a downward spiral.In a way,decline itself is a change,but not a good one.


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