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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Senate Torpedoes Background Check Deal

The Senate on Wednesday failed to advance a bipartisan background check proposal that Democrats had hoped would be the core of any bill.

The background check legislation, championed by Democrat Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Republican Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania, received only 54 votes, six short of the 60 needed to clear a threatened filibuster. However, the measure does have 55 Senate supporters, given that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., changed his vote at the last minute to preserve his ability to call up the vote again.

In addition to Toomey, only three Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, John McCain of Arizona and Mark S. Kirk of Illinois — voted in favor of the background check compromise.



  1. Vote them out in 2014...and ensure the illegals do not get a free pass or we are done.

  2. GoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooD.

  3. A win for the Conservatives......

  4. John McCain is a Fn TRAITOR to the party.

  5. Ironically I am watching that traitor John McCain on a show called "Locked Up Abroad" on the National Geographic channel. This is about when he was a POW in Viet Nam. I almost feel sorry for him, but it is difficult knowing he is a RINO. He is weak. He is a failure.

  6. No decent republican would compromise on the 2nd amendment. We need real men, not the wimps that want to compromise on everything.

  7. Looks like they got one the way the people want it!

    Yes - vote out the RINO's...

    Yes - secure the borders...

    And - make sanctuary cities illegal...or enforce the existing laws against them.

  8. Do I need a background check before I steal a gun during a burglary? No.

  9. Anonymous said...
    No decent republican would compromise on the 2nd amendment. We need real men, not the wimps that want to compromise on everything.

    April 17, 2013 at 10:36 PM

    I hear ya. Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Why in the hell do they have to compromise on every little thing? So the other party doesn't feel bad they lost? That's like giving every kid an award in an event so their feelings don't get hurt or feel like a failure...or whatever the reason behind it. If anyone compromises on the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, they will compromise on anything. Look how weak this country has become by always compromising. We had a solid foundation that this country sat upon and everyday they are chipping at it. Make no mistake, we will fall. In trying to please everyone, ultimately, everyone will be made to suffer. You don't change a country to suit an individual or group, THEY must change/conform to the country. Or leave.

    We are like a ship in an ocean with no one at the helm. We are lost. We have lost our way and will not recover with any shiny new politicians. Politicians. That's the key word. Get rid of them. Top to bottom.

    Let's go back with what we started. Let's get some farmers, truck drivers, veterans,LEO's, doctors, and yes, even a banker so we can make money. Get regular people in there who want to do good for the country and it's people then go back home and continue with the family farm. There should not be any career politicians allowed. Put the service back into public service. Do your job then go home and let the next guy have his turn. Is that such a terrible concept?

  10. Expounding on that, in the military, if you don't gain rank in a set time limit, I think it is 2 years, you get discharged. The same should be for public officials. If you don't have higher approval than disapproval, if you don't do your job, (which is the will of the people, not a consensus of politicians), if you don't perform satisfactorily, you get discharged. Fired. Recalled. Impeached. Whatever you wish to call it, you are sent packing.

    Doing your job and enjoy the people's support should be the goal, not applause when you enter a country club. All is vanity.

  11. Abraham Lincoln called them traitors and they should be hanged...


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