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Sunday, April 21, 2013

When You Have A $16,000,000.00 Surplus, Why Not Raise Taxes

That's right, Ireton wants to raise our taxes 8%. Mind you Folks, you know how the liberals work. Come in at 8% and settle for something less and the Council will ACT like they've done you a favor. Similar to O'Malley wanting to raise tolls to $12.00 and settling for less. Jimmy will throw a fit, (acting) but it is what it is and it's all for show. 

Jake Day promised to not raise taxes during his campaign by stating we need to eliminate some services instead. Well, now he too has changed his mind. 

Put your seat belts on Ladies & Gentlemen, it's going to be a very rough ride for the next 2.7 years. 

Can you say, Louise Smith?


  1. John, why would you say that about Joe. He's not the one raising taxes.

  2. 929 is that u double douche bag Jim.

  3. Ireton now has his rubber stamp council, even the blindman saw this tax hike coming!

  4. All liberal politicians run a campaign saying they are for the people but boy when they get elected they tax the devil out of tax payers. Many people will see how raising tax hurts people instead of helping. We the people not we the government. It is going to be so many SNEAK A TAXES with this administration fasten your seat belts residents of the city of Salisbury this is gonna be one hell of a ride lol!

  5. Jim Ireton turned his back on several of his once good friends. Friends that went out of his way to help get him elected. Look what he did to the long time friend on the city council and the long time city employee that was let go recently. His actions have been borderline criminal.

  6. Glad I don't live in the city limits!

    The city residents actually LOST this election and now have exactly what they deserve.

  7. Oddly he is also cutting sewer rates in the face of a $50-70 million bill for fixing the wastewater plant. It would seem to me that he could keep the current rates. Fruitland might also raise taxes. Anderton and company in Delmar are building a police station and cutting taxes by coming under the states so called constant yield rate.

  8. Anon 9:35 you are an idiot.

  9. Clearly no one cares or else they would have come out and voted....

  10. You get what you vote for. Or what you don't vote for.

  11. The intelligent thing to do would be to keep the 16 mill surplus in a "rainy day fund", and strive to cut government costs. Raising taxes of any kind is beyond idiotic because it equates to less disposable income which could be going into the local economy not to mention a hinderance to home sellers and buyers.
    To put things in perspective a house for sale in the city for
    $185,000 will cost a new home owner approx $110 more a month in taxes alone. That added with mortgage payments and insurance creates a heavy burden and isn't much incentive for anyone to buy in the city.

  12. There is NO WAY people will want to ove to Salisbury or start a business in the city.
    Watch the city go downhill---FAST!

  13. Jim Ireton is a two faced cut throat! To his so called supporters that are still around just wait and see. You will find out the hard way.

  14. Unbelieveable! Almost immediately after wins the election too.

    I betcha this clown had this tax in mind months before the election. Aint it funny how he didn't mention it to voters during his campaign?

    I wonder how the FOOLS who voted for him feel about LIARton's appreciation for their support. I hope those who voted for him enjoy his present and deceitfulness,

  15. 85% of the homes in Salisbury are rentals and the landlords don't care about the tax hikes because they will pass that cost + to the tenents. Special interests win again, shame of the voters of the city for not voting at all.

  16. Nothing that can be done I didn't vote for it so I get screwed.

  17. Before the election, most of the people who posted comments on this site stated, begged, and pleaded with the citizens to vote for Joe, Debbie, and Cynthia. They also stated that if Ireton and Day were elected, the city taxes would be raised. Now look what has happened, the two liars (Ireton/Day) are raising the taxes, and just wait, the water/sewer bill will be next.

    The subsidized housing tennants aren't going to make up the difference. The mayor will just give them more.

    For those of us who actually voted on election day, this was a heartbreaking election because it proves beyond a doubt what we had been saying.

    Some of us actually have more common sense than those elected and we don't have to tout our degrees. We don't need to misrepresent the truth, nor do we need to lie to garner favor. We simply tell the truth. There will be a time for justice.

    There are none so blind as those that won't listen to reason and common sense and face the truth. The facts don't lie, people do. And these two elected people (which were elected mainly by the business, and realtors) are the groups that stabbed the rest of the honest citizens in the back.

    Let this be a valuable lesson for the future, when it comes to elections; read, research, and talk with others before you throw your vote away. Remember your wallet when you vote. The democrats are counting on your every dollar. They promise you everything and will deliver you debt and nothingness.

  18. Of course Ireton had this tax hike in mind while campaining, that's why he wanted to unseat Debbie Campbell, she questioned his last tax hike in a year that produced a $16 million surplus. He needed to get someone to run against her backed by special interest PAC money because she helped curb the fool's last two tax hikes.

  19. This was the taxpayers election to lose.

  20. rick pollitt wants 8% rise in land tax too. guess we people who keep paying MORE for everything, but dont make anymore, have to CUT something, why dont we CUT spending at GOV, we have too at HOME. jeez. LIBERALISM is a disease

  21. Last year Ireton proposed a 1.5 cent increase and said if he didn't spend it, he would refund it to the taxpayers.

    Now it's 5 cents more. Hmmm.

    As for the people who voted for him, they are all HAPPY to pay more taxes! Many of them have secure jobs at the "elite" firms in town, the hospital or the university.

    A hike of 10 or 20 bucks a month may not seem like much to those prima donnas, but to my friend who lost his job, it will mean food or house payment as his savings disappear.

  22. Jake Day is just like any other liberal a liar like the rest of them

  23. Not only did Mayor Ireton allow the wrongful termination of a city employee by a corrupt department head he endorsed it.

  24. "Anonymous said...
    85% of the homes in Salisbury are rentals and the landlords don't care about the tax hikes because they will pass that cost + to the tenents. Special interests win again, shame of the voters of the city for not voting at all.

    April 18, 2013 at 12:01 PM"

    Yes, the increase will be passed onto the tenants which again equates to less money going into the local economy.
    Anything a democrat ever does is for special interest and ends up hurting those who cannot afford it the most. Democrats are followers and not leaders-nothing more than slaves led around by the nose by special interest.

  25. Jimbo has a rubber stamp council and so does Rick Pollitt.

  26. No, no, no. You silly people!

    Gary Comegys will be under the table to slip Jake Day or Laura Mitchell or Shanie Shields the secret rescue papers to reducing the tax increase.

    Just like Barrie did for him when taxes jumped a few years ago.

    Who will be this year's annointed savior?

  27. Jake day is Ireton's sheep and will follow the chosen leader on giving a yes vote to each and everytime liarton wants to raise taxes. Jake day and that administration would never would never disagree on a tax hike.

  28. "Anonymous said...
    Jake day is Ireton's sheep and will follow the chosen leader on giving a yes vote to each and everytime liarton wants to raise taxes. Jake day and that administration would never would never disagree on a tax hike.

    April 18, 2013 at 1:09 PM"

    Of course he will. He even admitted he wanted to partner with Ireton because Ireton didn't have a partner on the council. The very definition of partner suggests Day is not an independant thinker.

  29. If, as rumored, two on the city council are on public assistance, that is why voting for tax hikes won't worry them a bit. They don't intend to pay.

  30. 2:06 Makes you wonder about people that voted for them doesn't it? Why would people vote for someone that can't be responsible with their own life and money and think they can be responsible with other peoples money.

  31. Unfortunately, I did not vote for this clown and I still got screwed trying to do the right thing.....keep Ireton out and put Joe in! Joe would have been a great mayor and would have cleaned up this place. I moved here 35 years ago and for quite a while it was a wonderful place to call home. Now, I wish I could move but don't want to just walk away from my home that I have worked so hard for. That doesn't seem to even matter anymore to a lot of people so maybe I should be thinking differently.

  32. If Salisbury or Maryland or the nation needs money the common sense thing to do is sell off government owned property - that gets it back on the tax roll. The private sector better has proven to be a better manager. The more property the government owns the more employees the government hires.

    1. I agree, SELL government owned property, don't GIVE it away for pennies on the dollar like they did with the old firehouse. $100,000 for an piece of property apprasied at over $700,000 is NOT selling it.

  33. The clown face is appropriate, I would have added a picture of Obama giving him a pat on the head. I can say I voted against the lying clown but not enough people that pay taxes cared to vote. Apathy has always ruled this town.

  34. Wait till you see the County budget - Pollitt is proposing a 10 million dollar increase for the BOE. He also is requesting 2+ million for increased school security - and yes - this is all to be funded from increases in property tax and local income tax revenue.

  35. Anon 1:36 I guess you don't have to be a thinker to be an Officer in the Military. Rednecks like you make me sick to my stomach.

    1. No, you don't have to be a thinker to be a military officer. All you have to do is have an AA and apply to OCS. There is a reason they are called 90 day wonders.

  36. Democrat = Taxes and Tax Increases

    When are you ignorant people going to realize that.

  37. What will happen behind closed doors with Jake day and Jim irerton lol

  38. @2:54 PM I an not anon 1:36, but to answer your question that is correct you don't have to be a thinker to be and officer in the military. As a matter of fact officer and military doesn't have to be capitalized in your sentence. Jake day is nothing but a chauffer for a general. A chauffer in the military is nothing more than a butt kisser. Any questions or do you need an emesis basin?

  39. "Anonymous said...
    Anon 1:36 I guess you don't have to be a thinker to be an Officer in the Military. Rednecks like you make me sick to my stomach.

    April 18, 2013 at 2:54 PM"

    You really need to get off the Eastern Shore and see how things work in the real world. An officer in the military is an independant thinker?----please! The military due to the bureaucracy involved does not value independant thinking what so ever. If anything you are deprogrammed to not think and to take orders.

  40. 2:54 people like you who are so very uninformed make people throw up! An officer in the military takes orders and they take them good and that's why they are officers. They are not by anyone's stretch of the imagination independant thinkers.

  41. "I guess you don't have to be a thinker to be an Officer in the Military"

    Now that's funny. A military officer can't even think about taking a dump without asking permission first from a superior.

  42. 2:54 Anonymous said...
    Anon 1:36 I guess you don't have to be a thinker to be an Officer in the Military. Rednecks like you make me sick to my stomach.

    In the military you do as commanded without asking questions up the chain of command, so yes, Day was taught to follow as commanded. And who are you calling redneck you weasle? Obviously you've never served anything but you own greed.

  43. Pansy Irerton will be the thinker for the city council They are no independent thinkers on that council.

    1. I beg to differ. Cohen and Spies can out think those 3 idiots that make up the council majority in their sleep.

  44. Considering uneducated is used to describe a redneck, 2:54 seems to fit the profile since they lack even the most basic knowledge of the US military and it's workings. It's really quite amazing how dumbed down the American public is.

  45. Ain't no different in the county either. 26+ million surplus and Rick wants to raise taxes and limit services. Must be nice to hold OUR money hostage.

  46. $16,000,000.00 will not build many low cost houses on down town parking lot

  47. "Anonymous said...
    Pansy Irerton will be the thinker for the city council They are no independent thinkers on that council.

    April 18, 2013 at 4:30 PM"

    Now that's a scary thought considering......
    libs aren't the smartest tools in the shed...their critical thinking skills are lacking big time.

  48. "Anonymous said...
    Pansy Irerton will be the thinker for the city council They are no independent thinkers on that council

    Everyone knows Teresa Gardner runs this city!

  49. Salisbury Suckers:

    Debbie Campbell warned you and you trashed her -- you deserve what you got in Ireton and Day.

  50. Not sure about Spies, but Cohen is an independent thinker.

    Despite all the lovey-dovey b.s. from Ireton and Day, they will come after Cohen just like they did Campbell. Spies too unless he falls in line. Remember, Ireton threatened them in his victory speech.

    1. Spies will never tow the line. He and Cohen are going to take a beating like Campbell did back in the days of the 4-1 vote with the Scheme Team. Spies was a Master Chief in the U.S. Navy. Officers like Day polished his brass.

  51. How did the first budget session go today?

  52. On my way to Florida.

  53. Campbell was the most courageous one, probably in the history of the.city. Hope Cohen and Spies follow her example. She was fearless in delivering to the public trust.

  54. they don't want people to buy in the city. they want the gillises, martins, all the slumlords to buy up all the property. they pay lower prices, get permits & historic approvel much sooner than you or me & they recoup on the outrageous rent charged for their next to nothing homes.

  55. If, as rumored, two on the city council are on public assistance, that is why voting for tax hikes won't worry them a bit. They don't intend to pay."

    And they should recuse themselves on any tax hike legislation!

  56. They are no independent thinkers on that council.

    Yes, there are. Spies & Cohen.

  57. Look out Salisbury, there's a O'Malley double in town!

  58. Did I just read in Delmarva now that Day has no issue with double tax city residents pay because they pay a premium to be closer to the action? Give me a break.

  59. Anonymous said...
    What will happen behind closed doors with Jake day and Jim irerton lol

    April 18, 2013 at 3:00 PM

    I don't know, but that's a sexy thought. LOL

  60. That $100,000 figure keeps popping up all the time when talking about city properties. Not to long ago in conversation Jim Ireton told me he would sell me Poplar Hill Mansion for $100,000 and that is the God's honest truth. If it wasn't in the Ghetto I would have taken him up on the offer.

  61. Jim Ireton is a two faced lying thief. Look what he did to his long time friend Ms. Campbell and many of his friends and supporters. Thanks to his new friends he won re-election. It's just a matter of time before he turns on them. This clown wants to give Lore Chambers a 3 grade pay raise. If I was John Pick I would be a little nervous about that one.


  62. April 21, 2013 at 9:37 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Did I just read in Delmarva now that Day has no issue with double tax city residents pay because they pay a premium to be closer to the action? Give me a break.

    April 21, 2013 at 11:09 AM

    Yes Jake Day did say that. Another clueless puppet for Jim Ireton to control. Think about the leadership in Salisbury now. A part time primary school teacher for mayor with no leadership experience. A habitual law breaker wannabe chauffer for his general as city council president and 2 unemployed council members slopping at the government teats. Those 4 have absolutely no leadership or business experience. The only two leaders are now the minority council members. God Bless the City of Salisbury and it's stupid voters.

  63. I got an idea about him raising the taxes, he can raise all the taxes he want as long as it only affect anyone in Salisbury,MD named Jim Ireton

  64. Unfortunately you can not entirely blame the welfare queens for the election of Jake Day. Most of his support came from city residents of some means, bleeding heart liberals that live on Clairmont, Pinehurst etc. (alot of them employed by SU) and Su students. Day also snagged alot of the realtor demographic as well. Heck, maybe they can build a Mosque on Clairmont and Forest Lane, gosh the leftists there would welcome them more than a fiscal conservative! COEXIST!!!!

  65. Unfortunately I think you hit the nail on the head 12:14. Between apathy, government dependant residents and the aforementioned liberals this city does not have a bright future. Can you say LITTLE DETROIT.


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