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Friday, March 01, 2013

Six-Year-Old Transgender Girl's Parents Take Legal Action After School Tells Her She Must Use Boy's Restroom

First-grader Coy Mathis, from Fountain, Colorado, made the transition from boy to girl when she was four years old
A six-year-old transgender child is fighting alongside her parents for the right to be recognized as a girl at school.

Coy Mathis, who was born male but has identified as female since the age of four, was barred from using the girls' restroom at Eagleside Elementary School in Fountain, Colorado in December.

On a special edition of the Katie show, her parents Jeremy and Kathryn Mathis revealed that they are now pursuing legal action over the the school district's decision to force Coy to only use the boys' bathroom, gender-neutral faculty bathrooms or the nurse's bathroom.



  1. THIS IS JUST SICK... I bet the parents planned this all out because they knew this would possibly happen...

    Only thing I can think of... A kid whom is 4 years old is to young to know A: what a transgender is to the fullest and B: know that he or she wants to dress like the opposite sex...

    Morethnlikely they had a son and wanted and wished for a daughter and forced that change on them...

    I could be wrong, or I could be right... What we should be looking at here is, not just the school but the parents...

    I can't fathom and 4 year old just waking up one day saying "mommy I want to be a women" or "dress like a women" or "I feel as if I should have been born a women"

    Give me a fucking break...

  2. 10:54, I am in total agreement

  3. The parents should be charged with child abuse!

  4. The parents are scum. This is a good reason to bring back public flogging as a form of legal corrections.

  5. I am outraged as well with the "parents".

  6. I could be wrong, or I could be right... What we should be looking at here is, not just the school but the parents...

    I can't fathom and 4 year old just waking up one day saying "mommy I want to be a women" or "dress like a women" or "I feel as if I should have been born a women"

    Give me a fucking break...

    March 1, 2013 at 10:54 AM

    You are wrong. Nobody should be looking at anything. It's nobody's business. And you don't have a clue what the child or the parents feel.

    And Joe, what's with allowing his swear word to be published? I, and others, have had comments rejected for the same thing and even less.

    You have no consistency.

  7. Transgender girl? WTF! There is no such thing as a transgender girl or boy. You are either a boy or a girl. This is a mental illness such and homosexuals who what to get married. These parents should be charged with a crime of child abuse and institutionalized. If the child thinks it's the opposite sex then it needs to be institutionalized because it is a whacko with a mental illness. These kind of people used to be put away for a long time.

  8. the rights of one out way the rights of many. one sick f'n society we have here. Time to start taking out the trash!

  9. My six year old wants to be Superman, but I'm not going to allow him to leap tall buildings!
    Just because my 4 year old wants to be Spiderman, I'm not going to allow him to scale the Sears tower, either. These parents need to be imprisoned for failure to be responsible adults where their child is concerned. This is nothing short of ABUSE!

  10. I think the parents in this case love the attention.


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