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Friday, March 01, 2013

Meet The Man Who Makes $100K A Year Begging By Pretending To Be Mentally Handicapped

A man who pretends to be mentally and physically handicapped while he goes around the streets begging claims he makes up to $100,000 a year from his panhandling.

Gary Thompson, from Texas, gets around Lexington, Kentucky, in a wheelchair which he says he needs because he has difficulty walking.
He also maneuvers his hands in a way that would lead the untrained eye to believe he had difficulty using them.


  1. I believe it. When I moved up to the big city years ago someone gave me a sound piece of advice. Don't give the homeless handouts. They could be drug addicts, alcoholics, or scammers. Best to give your charitable dollars to a reputable organization that helps folks who are in real need.

    And if a homeless is on the street believe me he/she knows where the nearest shelter is and will seek help when necessary.

  2. I never give money to pan handlers because they are all scam artists. Look at the ones all around Salisbury.

  3. Rt 13 is full of them, Where is the Enforcement?

  4. Rt 13 is full of them, Where is the Enforcement?

    March 1, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    Looking for cigarette smugglers, speeders, seat belt and cell phone violaters, and on their laptops reading your emails.

    You don't have any idea if these people are actually in need or scammers. You tell yourselves that to justify in your minds not to help anyone.

    I give out a couple bucks now and then when I can. I grew up knowing what it felt like to not have anything.

    If they are dishonest, that is between them and God. I did the right thing and what Jesus told all of us to do.

    I can't get it all right, but I can obey Him sometimes.

    Do what you can until you can do better. And to quote the Bible, 'you entertain angels unawares'.

    Feed the hungry, clothe the naked and house the homeless.

    I don't recall it saying asking for references or financial statements before helping your fellow man.

  5. I know one of our local panhandelers, and during the day he panhandles, and makes good money, on weekends he gets loads of free cash that is tax free income, this money he then uses for beer and ciggarettes, and also sells his food stamps for cash, 50 cents to the dollar, and also collects TDAP, a $185.00 a month in cash, and also works at odd jobs for cash. Last year he said he "Made" almost fourty thousand tax free! Yup, give cash to the homeless!!!! NO WAY, go and buy them a burger, fries and a soda, and watch how they bitch! Your supporting druggies and drunks when you give them cash!

  6. 12:40 While this is noble let me re-state my above post. USE your charitable dollars to donate to an organization that really does help these homeless.

    If you give them money directly they in turn buy alcohol or drugs and you are contributing to that.

    That is the wisdom of giving to an organization.

  7. One of them I see here in Salisbury banks at my bank. I see him in there all the time. He's a good customer there!


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