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Friday, March 01, 2013

Wicomico Approves Affordable Housing Accord

SALISBURY -- Wicomico officials last week approved a payment-in-lieu of taxes (PILOT) program for a vast affordable housing project in the county after getting assurances from the new owners certain conditions would be met in the final agreement.

Last Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council approved an agreement with Tryko Partners on a PILOT program for the company’s Pine Bluff Village project, a vast affordable housing community of 151 homes for the elderly and disabled in the county along with associated amenities including an on-site community service coordinator, food services, laundry services and other features. The village is proposed on the former Pine Bluff Sanatorium owned by the state.

Last June, the Wicomico Council approved a PILOT agreement with the state continuing the lessee-operator agreement first reached in 2007. However, now that Tryko Partners is seeking to renovate and restore the former state-owned property with an attractive affordable housing project for the elderly and disabled, the company came before the Council seeking the same payment-in-lieu agreement offered by the state.



  1. Watch out neighbors...Pemberton Manor II waterfront...Better start paying attention...

  2. it has not been approved. scheduled for hearing at next council meeting

  3. If they keep it as elderly and disabled, it won't be any more of a problem than what's there now, which isn't a problem.

  4. I am all for helping the elderly and disabled when they no longer can take care of themselves or their family cannot take care of them (dementia, etc). It's those who say they are "disabled" , can't work and sponge off the government (which is me paying their way) I see them sitting in an airport going on nice trips, but yet never have to work another day in their life because of this, that or another! Those are the ones that the government should be pulling the plug on!

  5. This is a much better project than housing able bodied individuals for subsidizied rates. I've worked with the elderly and disabled for years and it has always irritated me at how many resources are poured into adults who could do as opposed to those who are unable at this point in their lives. Believe me once this is built, it will be at full occupancy in record time.

  6. Tryko bought this property. They knew what they were buying when they bought it. Why now should they pay no taxes on it. Why should my tax dollars have to shoulder this profit driven company. If they overpaid and can't afford their taxes, see you later. Sounds like they are just padding thier profit margins at my expense.

  7. 8:45. It's an existing affordable housing project and the PILOT being considered is already in place. A buyer is in the process if acquiring the property from the state and wants to keep the PILOT in place.

  8. Don't you mean keep the Pollitt in place?


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