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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Few Surprises at Chamber / PACE Forum

At Tuesday evening’s final candidate forum before next Tuesday’s Salisbury city elections, there were few surprises; but there were a few.  The biggest surprise was that the sponsors of the forum – the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce and SU’s Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (PACE) – through their chosen moderator, Chamber ED Ernie Colburn, gave up all pretense of being honest brokers in this process.  For starters, it became abundantly clear that SOME of the candidates had been provided the questions in advance of yesterday’s forum.  Candidates were also permitted rebuttals on a SELECTIVE basis.

The first question posed by Colburn was to council candidates about creating a business-friendly environment for the city.  After District 1 incumbent Shanie Shields read her answer from a prepared script, a stammering Colburn interjected that “No candidate had been provided the questions in advance”.  District 2 challenger Jake Day also seemed to have his answers well prepared in advance.  However, he was not as obvious as Shields.

After the first embarrassment, Colburn followed up by attempting to sandbag mayoral candidate Joe Albero.  Colburn stated that Albero had called for the closing of the Salisbury Zoo.  Albero was at ease when he corrected Colburn, “I’ve never said or written such a thing.  My wife worked at the zoo and she would kill me if I ever said such a thing.”  Albero has been a critic of the zoo in the past and has called on the zoo to be more financially self-sufficient.  Our research was unable to find any instance where Albero called for the zoo to be closed.


One new approach in this debate was a “tag team” approach taken by Day and incumbent mayor Jim Ireton.  Ireton never referred to Albero.  In a weak attempt to tie Albero and Campbell together, he would say “my TWO opponent”, while pointing to both Albero and Campbell.  Day attacked Albero directly by claiming that NO ONE has called for 500 affordable housing units to be built on existing downtown parking lots.  Ireton’s downtown plan does call for 500 housing units.  Speaking on the matter over the past two years he has called for some or all of those units to be “affordable” housing.  Even while trying to call Albero out, Day equivocated; saying “I think” and “I’m pretty sure”.


When asked about the proposed business disclosure ordinance, all of the candidates except for Campbell and Albero expressed disapproval.  Day’s response was the most interesting – if you had followed him on this issue during the campaign.  At the first PACE forum he stated that this (business disclosure) was “unprecedented” and that no municipality in Maryland did this.  As the public became aware that Day’s statement was untrue (the city of Frederick, Wicomico County, the state of Maryland, and others already have similar measures) he now tries to paint this measure as too broad and that the limits should be higher (Maryland only requires disclosure if you do $100,000 or more in business with the state).  While Albero did not endorse the proposed legislation, he did state that “As an investor in this city, I don’t have a big problem in it”.


While Albero commented on the disclosure ordinance, he added that it was Ireton’s proposed “lockout ordinance” which people should be really concerned about.  When asked directly about this proposal, every candidate except Ireton opposed the ordinance.

Ireton went on the offensive claiming that Albero was in favor of the Liquor Licensing Commissioner having the same power, but it was somehow different if the city had the same power.  Albero correctly pointed out that the Liquor Licensing Commissioners already had the authority to suspend or revoke liquor licenses.  Ireton’s proposal allows the city to shutter a business if they receive two police calls in a two year period.

While this proposal came from the administration, Day and Shields accused Campbell of “playing politics” with the ordinance.


One interesting note was Day’s insistence that the current city attorney is costing the city more than his predecessor.  This is true, although it is difficult to compare legal services from one year to another.

Campbell asked for rebuttal time (which had been given to everyone else during the forum, both before and after Campbell’s request).  Colburn denied her request.  When asked after the forum what she had wanted to say, Campbell pointed out that the former city attorney (who Day implies did a better job) cost the city $87 million by approving contracts on the failed waste water treatment plant while greatly limiting the liability of the contractors involved.  Result – Salisbury rate payers will see their water and sewer rates skyrocket in the future because they are paying for the same plant TWICE.


As stated in the lead, there were few surprises.  Jim Ireton, to his credit, defended his record without flip-flopping.  Ireton did continue to point fingers and argue that any problems with the city were the fault of council because “he doesn’t get a vote”.  Mayoral challenger Joe Albero continued to call for a more business-friendly city that can improve its quality of life by helping to foster the creation of new jobs and expanding the city’s tax base.

The District 1 candidates all continued on the same paths they have advocated throughout the campaign.  District 2 challenger Jake Day continued to call for subsidized residential development and a downtown-only focus on economic development.

The big surprise came from the usually mild District 2 incumbent Debbie Campbell.  On the day of forum, a second mailing from a national real estate PAC hit voters mailboxes calling for them to vote for Jake Day.  Holding up both mailings, Campbell asked why a national PAC would be interested in a city council race in a town the size of Salisbury.

G. A. Harrison is a former editor of SBYNews and a regular contributor.  He also writes at the DelMarVa Observer.  This article was originally posted at the DelMarVa Observer.


  1. To those big Jake Day supporters out there do you think he will be able to fulfill his job as a city council member if elected? If you remember reading the Daily Times on Sunday when he commented about his numerous speeding tickets he blamed it on having to drive 65 miles a week to work each day. If that is the case do you think he will be able to take off every single day there is a work session? Do you think his employer will allow him that much time off. Think about it, that is 130 miles a day which means he is on the road over 2 1/2 hours every day. There are a lot of work sessions and budget work sessions coming up very soon. I doubt seriously he will be able to participate in the work sessions. Work, Court, National Guard duties? How can he make that commitment. It is painfully obvious that Jim Ireton picked Jake Day to be his Rubber Stamper at the night meetings if he can make it. Jake Day is a bad choice. You talk about grid lock, it will always be a 2 to 2 vote because Jake day will rarely be at the meetings. Don't be stupid on this one.

  2. Jim Ireton kept mentioning his "2 opponents" last night? WTH! Isn't Jim Ireton a school teacher by trade? Didn't he have to pass a basic math class? He only has one opponent in the Mayoral race so where does he keep getting his 2 opponents from?

  3. In the end, this has been a two year dirty campaign on Ireton's part to discredit people who wont' rubber stamp his giveaways. He has behaved like a child at every turn, sent his staff out into the hallway crying and browbeat everyone with his tantrums. But look who gets the blame? The adults in the room. The Daily Times this morning endorsed the temper tantrum throwing big spender for mayor.

  4. It was extremely obvious that certain candidates were well prepared with questions ahead of time. And Shanie Shields immediately went to her notes and read word for word the correct answer to the question. Then the moderator from the Chamber of Commerce went into his quick CYA mode!

  5. While Ernie tried to throw curve balls at me in the beginning, it didn't phase me a bit.

    This article suggests some candidates got the questions in advance, perhaps that is true.

    However, for me, it doesn't matter. I'll take ANY and ALL questions from anyone.

    You have NEVER seen me respond with a written speech in any forum.

    When you are honorable and you answer questions off the cuff, you prove you are honest.

    I felt no disadvantage last night nor at any other forum.

    The citizens have had the opportunity to get to know each candidate and in 6 days we'll have new leadership in Salisbury.

    I'll repeat, IRETON HAS ALWAYS TALKED ABOUT 500 HOUSING UNITS DOWNTOWN, AFFORDABLE. Because he has been called out on it he is now in denial.

    We will publish the video as soon as it is available from last night and you will clearly see Mayor Ireton lie again by stating crime is down 40%. He did NOT say Part one crime is down 40%. He flat out stated crime is down 40% and I have been trying to tell everyone for a long time now, this is NOT true. Burglary and theft are through the roof, just ask Maciarello.

  6. 8:33-I agree, these Day supporters have NO IDEA of the decades of struggles that city homeowners have had to maintain the qualit of their neighborhodds, quality of their lives. They don't have a clue, and are willfully igonring the fact that Day is supported by the same cabal as Barrie Tilghman . Campbell has been a warrior for the city taxpayer, she has been humiliated and ridiculed, she has had threats, been stalked--you name it, and she STILL fights for every dime for the city taxpayer. Go ahead and vote for Day you naive uniformed stoolpigeons.

  7. "While this proposal came from the administration, Day and Shields accused Campbell of “playing politics” with the ordinance."

    More bull from the Queen of Bull and her new little friend.

  8. You are correct Joe, Jim Ireton stated again that crime was down in Salisbury 40% and didn't say which part crime was down. He was bragging trying to deceive the public into thinking he was the reason crime in down in the city. When you mix all the crime parts in a bag and shake them up the crime numbers have actually sky rocketed under his watch. In my neighborhood there are B&E's, assaults, thefts, MDOP and numerous other arrests. There are also more sex offenders living in my area then has ever been. CRIME IS NOT DOWN IN SALISBURY!!! That is one of the main reasons why home values are decreasing in Salisbury. The other is the largest number of rental stock which he and Jake Day's campaign is being paid for by.

  9. If Day is elected & ireton re-elected, the entire city will be RENTALS. Day can'
    t attend housing board meetings half the time for whatever reason. We don't need two part timers trying to run our city.

  10. If Debbie Campbell or Joe Albero loses this election it isn't because they didn't try. It's because many of the supporters did not get out and vote. If we the people of Salisbury want to win this election we need to help these two candidates walk the streets, make phone calls, wave signs and more than anything get your friends and families out to vote on April 2, 2013. If you have to run a shuttle service then do it. I have read so many comments on here from people that said if they lived in the city they would vote for them. I don't care where you live if you really do care and you want them to win then volunteer to help there campaign. Call them today!!

  11. So Shanie read her reply to her "completely spontaneous" question right off of a paper? Are you serious? You do know that she is on the Pac 14 Board of Directors, right? And you do know that many SU (including big Janet) professors have donated heavily to Jake Day. Looks like SU is counting on Day to convert the rest of the few remaining owner occupied homes into college rentals--Su's lack of campus housing--well Day will solve that problem for us, and make the landlords even richer!!!

  12. “No candidate had been provided the questions in advance”

    My respect for Ernie Colburn just took a nosedive after this and his baloney-filled Letter to the Editor the other day. And they want the Chamber of Commerce to be a respected organization? Shame!!

  13. Anonymous said...
    So Shanie read her reply to her "completely spontaneous" question right off of a paper? Are you serious? You do know that she is on the Pac 14 Board of Directors, right? And you do know that many SU (including big Janet) professors have donated heavily to Jake Day. Looks like SU is counting on Day to convert the rest of the few remaining owner occupied homes into college rentals--Su's lack of campus housing--well Day will solve that problem for us, and make the landlords even richer!!!

    March 27, 2013 at 9:20 AM

    Yes she did read her answer and if I remember correctly it conveniently happened to be on top of her stack of papers waiting for her to get her turn to answer. The Slum Lords and developers as well and the Chamber of Commerce in Salisbury want Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Jake Day to win. The Salisbury Wicomico Chamber of Commerce is a special interest group and the new director is just as crooked as the last one.

    If you remember correctly they did every thing in their power to get Bubba Comegys elected over Jim Ireton. They sent out hate mail and now Jim Ireton is in bed with his enemies. That is reason enough to vote against Jim Ireton and Jake Day.

  14. Did anyone notice Jim Ireton answered a question with one word and the panel moved on. Then Ernie Colburn gave Jim Ireton the time back later in the forum stating you have "89 seconds left from your previous question" then denied Debbie Campbell a simple rebuttal. The voting tax payers should be up in arms about this obvious blunder.

  15. Jake Day keeps rambling on about the "2500" voters who signed the petition about the City Attorney. Debbie Campbell slammed Jake Day back in his place when she asked the City Clerk if those signatures were ever confirmed. The City Clerk's response was "No." Jake Day went on to claim that it was funny that he spoke to every single one of them. Jake Day again proved to be a liar. If I remember correctly there were hundreds of fake names signed to the petition so how can Jake Day talk to cartoon characters!

  16. You remember wrong, Anon 9:52. Those names are all real. Anyone can get the list. Call the City Clerk.

  17. Interesting that Jake Day being the ONLY candidate/councilperson with a real job is a negative now? Maybe having someone with a REAL job is a plus - most of us work jobs all day and need someone who understands what we go through.

  18. anonymous 10:01, Let me assure you, the list is ridiculous. I am going door to door and believe me, MOST of the names on that list are bogus. Salisbury has so many transient renters the list is NOT accurate.

  19. Anonymous said...
    You remember wrong, Anon 9:52. Those names are all real. Anyone can get the list. Call the City Clerk.

    March 27, 2013 at 10:01 AM

    Thanks Jake, now go back to work. The numbers may be real, but the actual voters aren't real. Get a life you big liar and deceiver!

  20. HaHaHaHaHa 10;03-a "real job?" You're kidding right?
    That so called "real job" he possesses is nothing more than a quasi government tax payer supported "make work" "job" which would cease to exist if not for government (tax payer) grants.
    They come up with these so called "plans" that no one can even find info on as to if they were ever implimented or not and if they were successful.

  21. "Anonymous said...
    You remember wrong, Anon 9:52. Those names are all real. Anyone can get the list. Call the City Clerk.

    March 27, 2013 at 10:01 AM"

    Another big HaHaHa! Yeah right 10:01-those names were "all" real.
    The more I read the more it becomes so apparent that not only day/ireton have difficulties with telling the truth but so do their supporters. This speaks tons about someone's upbring and background and also reflects poorly on the parents.

  22. It is easier to write on here that so and so is a liar than to call the city clerk to learn the truth.

  23. It is possible for someone who wasn't given a question in advance to be able to read a written response to that question. HOW?? The person could have been given the ANSWER in advance. That way it wasn't necessary to know the wording of the question prior to the forum nor to do the tiring part of actually writing a response. Technically, the moderator was not telling a lie. He didn't say the answers weren't given in advance.

  24. I had to watch this forum live in light of the fact that it took Pac 14 more than a week to "edit" the last forum and post it for viewing. At that pace, this forum won't be ready for broadcast until after the election!
    Joe, it's my hope you may have had somebody tape it for replay sooner than "One Mike in the Back Of The Room Pac 14" can. Cough, shuffle, rustle mumble What are the candidates saying?

  25. Joe @10:05-Laura Mitchell was quoted as saying pretty much the same thing when she was out gathering signatures for the petition. She called the Sby voter list "bloated."

  26. I'm still laughing at the Jake Day real job claim. Debbie Campbell has a REAL job. Terry Cohen runs her OWN business. Just another lie from the Day/Ireton contingent. Of you can't beat you opponent in honest debate...and neither one of them stands a chance in a factual honest debate with Campbell, the next line of defense is lies and smears.

  27. Her constituents need to ask Shanie how she came to have a prepared answer to a question that had just been asked. How stupid do her ghost writers think voters are? How can she be capable of holding office if she isn't capable of answering questions?

  28. What respect I thought I still had for Colburn is now gone. It was very obvious that Shields, Day, and Ireton knew what the questions were before the forum. That is totally unfair and totally unfitting of the chamber organization.
    All of this just proves to me who the crooks are in this town and to what level they will stoop to win dishonestly and deceitfully.
    To be blunt all I saw coming from Day,Ireton, and Shields was 100% pure bull sxxt.

  29. 11:33 am I think you are splitting hairs on this point. In either case, it is dishonest for any candidate to have questions or answers in advance of the meeting.
    Citizens want to see and hear how the candidates think and articulate their views without advanced notice.
    Colburn and the chamber are totally dishonest and did not give all the candidates the same advantage. This smacks of dishonesty and deceitfulness.

  30. Joe -

    If the voting rolls are wrong, and you are working off that list for your visits, how about publishing statistics about the problem? Maintaining proper voter rolls is very important, and helping to fix a problem like this could have a positive impact on our community for many elections.

    The best way to do it might be to see who "checks in" to vote, and comparing those people to who you know doesn't live at their address any more.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Interesting that Jake Day being the ONLY candidate/councilperson with a real job is a negative now? Maybe having someone with a REAL job is a plus - most of us work jobs all day and need someone who understands what we go through.

    March 27, 2013 at 10:03 AM

    You obviously didn't read or understand 8:30am's comment! How can he understand what you go through and work for you as your representative if he can't get off work for all the work sessions and budget work sessions. He is on the road over 3 hours a day going back and forth to his real job. He also has a lot of time he needs to spend in court to defend his breaking the law. Jake Day is not the one Salisbury needs elected to the City Council, we NEED DEBBIE CAMPBELL!!

  32. Anonymous said...
    Her constituents need to ask Shanie how she came to have a prepared answer to a question that had just been asked. How stupid do her ghost writers think voters are? How can she be capable of holding office if she isn't capable of answering questions?

    March 27, 2013 at 2:05 PM

    That's because she is a puppet for her master Jim Ireton and her previous master Barrie Parsons Tilghman. She is owned by the slum lords. If you remember correctly she was evicted from her home and the slum lord that owns Hebrew Insulation put her up in one of his rentals as a pay off. Hebreux St. Fleur is the Slum Lord king of the District 1.

  33. The Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Salisbury Committee are ran by business owners that live outside of Salisbury and thrive on residential and commercial property rentals. The marching orders are given by the on resident committee members and they try to buy the mayor and city council. To my knowledge they have been somewhat successful for the past 16 years.

    If you want change for a better Salisbury then you need to get out and vote Albero, Campbell and Polk on April 2, 2013.

  34. I think the key to this whole issue was stated by Joe on 10:05. "There are so many transient renters in Salisbury" These people have no investment so why vote? They have no investment so why bother. Now..landlords are a different issue indeed. If you are a landlord you are invested and you want things to stay in your favor. Sooooo...one has to assume that the people in power are the ones that landlords want running things in the city. Why do they care if downtown Salisbury is all section 8 housing as long as the rent money keeps coming in? I sold my house in Salisbury (near the college) because the handwritting was on the wall. The problem just creeps into all neighborhoods that are primarily renter neighborhoods. No pride in ownership there. It is sad.

  35. I attended the forum last evening and was I picked up immediately that Shields was "reading" her answers from a paper in front of her; also Day seemed be be doing the same thing so it was obvious they had been "prepped" beforehand with the questions and/or answers.

  36. It is actually not the case that the current city attorney's bills are higher than those of the prior city attorney. The Daily Times's claim to that effect is based upon an extrapolation from only three months' of Mark Tilghman's bills, ignoring Tilghman's bills from prior months in order to engineer a high annualized figure. In fact, the city's legal work comes in waves, rendering the newspaper's extrapolation extremely misleading.

  37. All itinerant residents, including college students, should NOT be allowed to vote. You should have to be a resident at least 2 years(one election cycle)before that privilege is given. First there needs to be some investment into the community, in my opinion. It's shameful that of a town of over 30 thousand has it's officials voted in by less than 10 thousand, most of whom are out of town, itinerant voters. (BTW, do the students return home & vote there also? Who's to know?)

  38. Ernie Colburn is both arrogant and not very smart. He is a perfect representative of what the Chamber of Commerce is and what it will continue to be.

  39. I find it disgusting that Brad Bellacicco is endorsing Jake Day with his letter to the editor. Also interesting is how the Daily Times won't allow the numerous letters to the editor in favor of Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero. First of all he doesn't even know Jake Day. Second, Brad Bellacicco doesn't even live in the city of Salsibury. Third, Brad Bellacicco works for an agency that depends on government funding. This is a major conflict with his current position and his previous position proves the Chamber of commerce is dirty and controlled by special interest groups. Hence more proof the questions at the Chamber debates were given to a select group of candidates in advance. Ernie Colburn and the current Chamber of Commerce is just as crooked as the home wrecker Brad Bellacicco. I think the only thing Jake Day and Brad Bellacicco have in common is they both abandoned their families. If everyone will step back 4 years ago and recall that a certain tire business on East Main Street had Gary Comegys for Mayor signs up on their property. Not to long after that Brad Bellacicco abandoned his family and married the owner of that business. Shows you what kind of character Brad Bellacicco has. Interesting as well is that fact that Brad Bellacicco supported Gary Comegys for mayor and now he is conveniently supporting Jim Ireton.

  40. 5:01 AM if there was a way to find out then we can form a volunteer group to investigate to deter these criminals from voting in future elections.

  41. This comment was posted by John Robinson on Jake Day's Facebook page and look who was the first person to like it. None other than Jake Day himself. This is the same person that claims he can get along with all the council members on the city council for a better Salisbury? Jake Day allowed this nasty lie to be posted on his website and then liked it immediately and has kept it posted for 10 days now! This is not good for a candidate to promote gossip and mean spirited information on his web page. Jake Day, Jim Ireton and John Robinson are evil people and to dangerous for Salisbury. Everyone should know about this lie Jake Day is endorsing and vote for Debbie Campbell.

    John D Robinson: And why in the same breath dint they bring up the Cambell VIDEO SEX TAPE SCANDAL? Oh wait shhh that never happened. Politics is so dirty - stay above the crap Jake your a hell of a guy!

    March 18 at 7:59pm · Like · 4

    People who like this:

    Jacob Day
    Second Lieutenant at United States Army

    Ryan DeVage..

    DeAnna Briddell
    Salisbury, Maryland
    Eric Thompson

  42. "3 days left, and the big players are now attacking me!

    Last time around, they sent out a mailer attacking me, so I knew it was only a matter of time before they did it this time.

    But, now it's the Maryland Republican Party sending out false attack mailers. This is a non-Partisan election. Looks like the Delaware blogger has asked his friends at the State Party to spend some money on his behalf and to attack my record. I'm just the Mayor of Salisbury, and the State Party is attacking me? They must me scared.

    I have attached a picture of the mailer that has been sent to Salisbury voters, so you can see what the Delaware blogger and his out-of-town party friends are doing.

    I still need your help to fight against these desperate and false attacks against me. Please go to jimireton.com and donate what you can. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    And, if you want to come and help me tomorrow morning, I can definitely use you! Just write back and let me know.

    Thank you!

    - Jim"

    No Jim Mayoral Candidate Joe Albero did not ask his "friends" at the state party to spend money on his behalf. No where on that flyer does it even mention Joe Albero. Don't get your panties in a wad because you are running scared. Who ever that flyer came from I thank them and hope you do lose this election.

    Vote Albero, Campbell and Polk on April 2, 2013.

  43. anonymous 3:04, I heard about this last night. A Voter called me telling me they had received a piece in the mail and I was completely shocked.

    I had absolutely NOTHING to do with the mailer. Jim Ireton needs to realize he picketed the Congressman at least twice. Funny how he wants to play ball until it backfires on him personally.

    Remember Folks, its always someone else's fault and never Jim Ireton's own doing.

    To Mr. Ireton, you did this to yourself and I had nothing to do with it. By the way, why are you begging for more money with only 3 days left?

    Is it for your defeat party so you can pull another MoJo's?


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