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Friday, March 15, 2013

Cutting Corporate Welfare Queens Off From The Dole Would Be The Best Way To Cut The Debt

In previous installments, we’ve noted that we could more than offset the need for the “sequestration” budget cuts by doing any one or combination of the following:

Ending massive subsidies to the giant banks
Reducing fraud and waste
Ending the failed drug war
Ending subsidies to the nuclear industry
Stopping the counter-productive quantitative easing by the Fed

Here’s another way to offset the need for budget cuts: cut off the welfare queens. (Jamie Dimon – shown above- and the other Wall Street queens are the largest recipients of welfare.)

Liberals and conservatives agree that we should stop subsidizing the fatcats. For example, the conservative Cato Institute points out that corporate welfare amounts to almost $100 billion per year. Cato notes:
Corporate welfare often subsidizes failing and mismanaged businesses and induces firms to spend more time on lobbying rather than on making better products. Instead of correcting market failures, federal subsidies misallocate resources and introduce government failures into the marketplace.

While corporate welfare may be popular with policymakers who want to aid home-state businesses, it undermines the broader economy and transfers wealth from average taxpaying households to favored firms. Corporate welfare also creates strong ties between politicians and business leaders, and these ties are often the source of corruption scandals in Washington. Americans are sick and tired of “crony capitalism,” and the way to solve the problem is to eliminate business subsidy programs.



  1. Cut the real welfare queens off from the dole too. The one's with 4 kids and 3 baby daddy's in prison.
    Sink or swim, natural law.
    Taxpayers should not pay to feed, house, cloth and generally give life support for lazy degenerates that refuse to be educated or work and contribute to society in any way.

  2. Was reagan supposed to clean the queens up already??.when are you going too see..they all lie and continue to spend money we DO NOT HAVE...its already too late too ...many depend on the dole..its a hughe buracracy that eats allot and needs to go on a diet..sooner the better...but the reality is it buys allot of votes


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