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Friday, March 15, 2013

Is Salisbury Next?

What has happened to once great metropolises like Detroit and Atlanta is a glowing testament to the failure of a half-century of progressive social policies that have turned much of the nation’s urban landscape into crime-infested areas more resembling bombed out war zones than thriving American cities.

Please get out and VOTE on April 2nd. There needs to be a change of guard as we have seen and experienced enough over the past 16 years. Let Governor O'Malley and Annapolis know there's a new Mayor in Town. Tell Ireton we don't want 500 Affordable Housing Units Downtown.


  1. Yes, This will happen to Salisbury if this mayor of a joke is re-elected, So you only have yourselves to blame if joe is not Elected,

    The best thing you can do IF you are a county resident and CANNOT vote is "SPREAD THE WORD" Vote April 2 for Joe...

  2. Joe, I grew up here and we are already decaying like Detroit. Virtually all of downtown is empty store fronts. People are scared to go downtown. You can't even drive in the Church Street area or Doverdale or Delaware Avenue without being concerned that you may be in danger. Trash is everywhere. We have allowed our city to be more than 65% rentals. It's just deplorable.
    Change has to happen politically. You are who I'm looking to for that positive change.

  3. I live in a small nice neighborhood off church st. my neighbors have lived there all their lives, some 40+ years. We were just talking about some of the homes behind us, the 1100 block of church st. Their back yards look like landfills. They let their dogs run loose and despite calling AC, nothing is ever done. How much the neighboring streets have changed and not for the better. No one cares, the homeowners, the tenants, code/compliance, and animal control do not care. Whats the point of keeping my property up when I am living next to a pigsty?

  4. We're already there. Driven Market street lately?

  5. I am going to talk to my neighbors and shame them into voting if I have to. I want my community back.

  6. We not only need a good Mayor - but a majority good council.

    Voting only for Joe and ignoring the council will not be enough.

    Vote for Joe - and the appropriate conservative council candidate for your district!

  7. Joe,some of the minority community still going to vote for Ireton,will only vote dem party line and not what's best for the city.Need to reach out to them.

  8. Ask yourself this,has the minority community ever cared about anything OTHER than themselves and there hand outs? I think NOT hence why Salisbury will be the next Detroit if Joe isn't elected.If minority's want govt handouts they should have to WORK for the city/town PT to get that check.

  9. Suburbs did most of the damage.when all the working people move away and houses turned into rentals this is what happens.

  10. All the steadily increasing commercial and residential for sale signs are rather disturbing I must say.

  11. It is essential to help Campbell win her seat again. Her track record speaks for itself. She works hard for ordinary people and to brings us good jobs and improve neighborhood. I saw the DT spreading more of its lies today.

  12. The primary showed how much the minority community cares - only 135votes. Thank goodness there is an established minority district. With their lack of interest in voting, there would NEVER be a minority member on the city council. There are thousands of minorities who are residents of Salisbury. It's just discusting to see the indifference.

    Ah, but wait until something occurs that they don't like. They'll cry racism every time and they'll do it in large numbers. A lot larger numbers than the pathetic number of 135 that came out to vote.

  13. Don't have to go as far as Detroit, take a look at Crisfield with its near-waterfront housing projects and empty Main Street. And it was like this way before Sandy.

  14. How can we vote for the conservative city council candidate? Day became a democrat last year and Campbell has been a lifelong democrat. Which one are you saying is conservative?

  15. Debbie Campbell has always had the citizens best interest in mind what ever the issue. Debbie Campbell has done more for the minority district than their own district 1 representitve Shanie Shields. Shanie was always a follower of Mike Dunn and Gary Comegys and she continues to be a follower of the white majority that she thinks will benefit herself the most.

  16. We need the Acomack arsonist to clean up Salisbury, it already has many neighborhoods looking like Detroit!

  17. So let me get this correct...any bum on the street can run for city council as long as you live in city limits? Who exactly is April Jackson??? Oh that's right a community activist, lol! What credentials does she have? What exactly has she done for the city? Just curious!

  18. Let's make all of Salisbury low housing , Detroit here we come.

  19. Hit the WESTSIDE.


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