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Friday, March 15, 2013

Speed Camera Funds Put To Use

SALISBURY – Revenue from speeders is being used to enhance property dedicated to the Salisbury Police Department (SPD) as well as purchasing new equipment for seven new patrol vehicles.

The SPD wants to appropriate funds received from the speed camera program for construction of a fence at the city’s police range.

Internal Services Director Keith Cordrey explained to date all the speed camera funds have gone into the general fund. The funds have to be spent towards public safety.

City Administrator John Pick added in FY12, which was the first year of the program, there were no funds budgeted from the speed camera program. The funds were received throughout the course of the year and were simply put into the general fund. When the FY13 budget was adopted, speed camera funds were estimated and included to bring in $184,000.



  1. No conflict of interest here.

  2. The camera @Division/50 west does not work.

  3. Just as suspected, they really are for raising money without raising taxes, not public safety. Hope they don't have to refund the monies as they Federal rulings against them get escalated.

  4. They ALWAYS run that red light at division/50 lol.

  5. This is a scam and should be done away with.

    Everyone that gets a ticket should take it to court and the judges will get tired of seeing these useless cases tried in their courts.

  6. speed cameras are a tax.
    a report on a baltimore t.v. station last week, showed rear end collisions, alond with injuries, were up 17.5 percent in the past 5 years due to people slamming on brakes to avoid a ticket at a light turning yellow.
    they also spoke of 2 states legislatures trying to get the cameras taken out of their state because of increased accidents. and not preventing something in school zones that never existed with speed cameras. kids are more than likely to be hit or killed walking across the street at home than at school, with no speed cameras anywhere.

    1. Are you talking about red light cameras or speed cameras? They are two different things. You don't slam on your brakes to avoid a red light from a speed camera. If you guys would get some valid arguments, maybe people would take you seriously.

  7. Hey if it slows idiots down in school zones then i am for it, and if you run a RED Light i am for that too ,BC you are endangering My life and others and if some of the money goes to SPD for new vehicles and maintenance and doesn't raise my property taxes then that's fine too.

  8. Ireton the pig he is only doing all this dress up work down town and so on because it's an election cycle. I am not blinded nor am I impressed by anything this man has done while he has been mayor. Almost makes you ashamed to say your from Salisbury. Business are not bringing there companies here to create jobs. There is so much red tape they have to go through. So many house for rent and for sale. The downtown is not a bright spot as it could be. Look at downtown Berlin and Cambridge. Like I always say you can put lipstick on a pig but at the end of the day it's still a pig!

  9. lmao @ comment #1 hahahahaha

  10. 2:09- How many lives were saved or injuries reduced because of speed and traffic light cameras this year vs last, or the year before, or the year before. Because the answer is ZERO your argument is merit less. It is nothing more than a revenue raiser for out of control, spendthrift, dishonest politicians.

  11. This is going just like I hoped....the lawbreakers are helping to fund the law enforcers. Sounds like a user fee to me!!! HAHA

  12. Sounds like something the Europeans love because they've surrendered their rights and lives to total government supervision and control years ago. In America, most citizens have a real dislike, bordering on hatred, for remote surveillance and law enforcement. But our "leaders", who can smell money from the surface of the moon, would turn their mother in for another revenue stream. 4:30 is absolutely correct and he didn't even mention the proven scams associated with the red light and speed cameras. How much "surveillance", remote monitoring, and faceless law enforcement will you sheep cheer before you realize its a NEVER-ENDING and constantly expanding process??? And one that will sooner or later, get you, too. Oh yeah. Thats right. Like the Germans thought, it's NEVER gonna be you, huh? Turns out it was. Take a lesson.

  13. You became mad today. It frightened me. Seeing as you showed the propensity to harm another, you are here dually fined.

  14. your welcome because I did the crime and I paid for it.

  15. Paul Adams said...
    Hey if it slows idiots down in school zones then i am for it, and if you run a RED Light i am for that too ,BC you are endangering My life and others and if some of the money goes to SPD for new vehicles and maintenance and doesn't raise my property taxes then that's fine too.

    March 15, 2013 at 2:09 PM

    If only we had cameras for idiots like you.

  16. This is another item ripe for a referendum!

  17. dually fined

    Does that mean he got fined twice? Got two tires on each side of axle?

    Or did you mean 'duely'? Not even sure if that's a word. Maybe 'duly'.

    Regardless, you fail at being funny.


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