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Wednesday, February 13, 2013


WASHINGTON, DC (February 12, 2013) - Governor Martin O’Malley issued this statement following President Obama's State of the Union Address this evening:

“The President made a persuasive case tonight for why we must begin to make better choices as a nation. Progress is a choice. Job creation is a choice. And whether we give our children a future of more or a future of less, this too is a choice.

“The better choices the President laid out will achieve better results. They're choices that prioritize the safety of our streets, schools, and places of worship. They're choices to implement forward-looking policies to address the consequences of climate disruption and bring some thoughtfulness to our immigration system. And they're choices based on the sound fiscal policy of a balanced approach, where eliminating government waste and cutting spending responsibly are paired with investments in core priorities like promoting innovation, improving our schools, and rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

“We know this balanced approach works because it’s what we’ve done in Maryland over the last six years. And, even in the toughest of times, we’ve seen the results: a stronger middle class and a stronger Maryland. Maryland is #1 in education five years in a row, #1 in holding down the cost of college, #1 in innovation and entrepreneurship, #1 in research and development, and #1 in median family income.

“It’s time for Congress to do its part and work with President Obama to make these better choices. Only with their help can we truly build a stronger middle class and stronger America.”


  1. What a load of crap. "Better choices"? Is he for real? Things in this country have never been worse.

  2. Help! A parasite has entered his brain making him devoid of original thought. A true comrade cannot deviate from the plan.

  3. We missed our chance for a better choice last November - we're stuck with this crap with the hope remaining in the House of Representatives.....

  4. Great speach, also very well recieved according to polling numbers, 70% positive or very positive.

  5. Oh gag me with a spoon.

  6. great speech maybe, but all just words. pious platitudes. believe the words all you want. its what he does that's the real teller.
    your walk talks and
    your talk talks, but
    your walk talks louder than
    your talk talks.

  7. It might sound good from the TV but if you live in Maryland you know he is full of crap

  8. I only wish that he'd been wearing a polygraph with the results being shown.

  9. 2-13-13
    I've had the good fortune to converse with a manager of Pizza Hut (A black man)here on the Shore. When I stop for pizza and he is managing and sees me he always stops what he's doing and him and I chew the fat a while. He's quite interesting and very worldly.
    As the topics unwound he opined on OWEbama and the Congress. To condense his thoughts he feels abandoned by the current administration because of the cost of living,opportunities for employment and education,and the fact the President is living in the 'Lap of Luxury' on the taxpayers while him and his family struggle to survive. I concured and then the next order of business was our Dumb-ass Governor.
    I replied I would like to be excused from that due to the fact I despise him (OWEmalley)so much I'd volunteer to sit in the electric chair if I could hold him in MY LAP.
    Here is a WORKING MAN with a family trying to provide his loved ones with a home and essentials and there is nothing left over, EVER...
    On the other hand there in Annapolis is OWEmalley,Mike Miller, and Mike Busch living on the fat of the land, paying Romney structured taxes on their takes and imposing yet more taxes and making other STUPID decisions that morph into law you and I have to live by...
    How long is it going to take before the peons in Md.such as me decide to STOP listing to POLITICAL PROPOGANDA from the beauracrats both state and federal and USE THEIR INDIVIDUAL VOTES WISELY????
    If ANYONE reading this thinks I'd pay ANY heed to ANYTHING OWEmalley would lable GOALS, STATISTICS,or a GOOD DEAL FOR ME needs to head for the nearest psychiatric hospital NOW.

    Bob Aswell


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