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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

President Obama Outlines Plan To Tackle Global Warming With Clean Energy

Baltimore—Tonight, President Obama delivered his State of the Union address. Tommy Landers, Director of Environment Maryland, responded with the following statement:

“Tonight, President Obama backed up his bold words on addressing global warming from his inaugural address by outlining clean energy solutions that will pave the way towards a cleaner, healthier future.

“From Hurricane Sandy to the worst drought since the Dust Bowl, far too many Americans and Marylanders have already been affected by extreme weather events that scientists warn will grow more common and more severe unless we take action to tackle global warming pollution now.

“We must cut carbon pollution that’s fueling global warming, rein in our energy use by making our homes and businesses more efficient, and ramp up our production of truly clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

“Americans have been asking for leadership on tackling global warming. Clean energy solutions, like cutting our energy waste in half and expanding renewable energy, as the president outlined, are critical pieces of the puzzle. We are also counting on the president to clean up carbon pollution from power plants, which will help the United States fulfill its obligation to future generations.

“We look forward to working with the Obama administration to implement and expand upon the president’s plan to address global warming, as outlined tonight in his State of the Union address.

“And at the same time, we look forward to working with Gov. Martin O’Malley and other state leaders to do all that we can at the state level to tackle global warming. Smart energy choices like offshore wind power and increased energy efficiency will ensure that Maryland plays a leadership role in the effort to reduce dangerous global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy.”


  1. In other words more of your tax dollars going into shaky investments. Remember Solyndra and that was just the first of many.

  2. Obama's unfinished task on the economy is to collapse it completly.

  3. He does not know any better.That's what I keep telling myself and that is what I believe.People who have actually run a business and politicians who think they can are light years apart.In a really broad sense the US is a business,but every level of government operates on a non profit basis.If over say the last 75 years our only goal was to break even we actually would be in great shape today had we accomplished that.Does'nt sound like much of a plan,but think about how holding our own vs losing ground daily would have benefitted us all.

  4. I thought we already had a Department of Energy that was developed by Jimmy Carter. After billions and billions of dollars what have they accomplished? Bottom line is just more wasteful spending.

  5. abolish the dept. of energy and the epa. enough is enough. both of these pols are liars and continue to spew lies to the ignorant, uneducated, clueless citizens. shame on them...

  6. Tackle golbal warming with clean energy.....like saying tackle the smoke with mirrors. Global warming is not being caused by man made carbon emmissions and, clean or green or whatever, energy is not economically practical. If the low information MSM crap fed voters were not here, this poor excuse of a president would not be president.

  7. I have a legitimate question although it may sound a little out there. I once read an article on scientic research about government weather control with IONS. I tried to locate the article that I read some years back only to find that the author had died and all his papers had been taken down from the web and are now not accessible even as scientific research. Anyone heard of this?


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