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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Miller: O'Malley Might Propose Transportation Funding Bill

Maryland's Senate president says Gov. Martin O'Malley will be meeting House Speaker Michael E. Busch and working with the Senate, House and his administration to try to develop a consensus on a transportation revenue measure this legislative session.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller told reporters on Tuesday that O'Malley favors raising the sales tax to fund transportation improvements.



  1. Why dont they start with cracking down on politicans friends that owe back taxes on income and properties all over the state before they tax the citizens.

  2. Bend over Marylanders here comes another gasoline tax. The money would be there now if O'Malley hadn't robbed it.

  3. America is going to Hell.., and Maryland is leading the way.

  4. delmar's business is about to boom.

    maryland SUCKS

  5. He really doesn't look presidential even though he tries oh so very hard. The man just doesn't have it and the rest of the country better wise up.

  6. Stop saying "revenue", and have the B***S to call it a TAX!

  7. And, what, pray, will this revenue be used for? Certainly not "transportation".


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