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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Heterosexuals Need Not Apply: DOD Extends Benefits Only to Gay Unmarried ‘Partners’

Outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has unilaterally issued a directive stating that the U.S. military will now extend certain benefits to unmarried domestic partners that were formerly reserved for married couples—but will only do so if the domestic partners certify in writing to the Department of Defense that they are of the same sex.

Heterosexual unmarried partners do not qualify for the benefits—and thus are treated unequally by Panetta’s directive on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Panetta issued his directive in a Feb. 11 memorandum to the secretaries of the military departments and the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness. The subject line on the memo said: “Extending benefits to same-sex domestic partners of military members.”



  1. maybe because the heterocouple has 100% freedom to go get married.

  2. Next headline: Discrimination Lawsuit.
    The co-habitation inclusion only applies to persons of a specific sexual orientation.

  3. The white man as we used to know it is becoming extinct thanks to the goop gobbling and soft heart liberals.

  4. "Among the benefits that DOD will now give to same-sex “domestic partners” but not heterosexual domestic partners are: joint duty assignments, legal assistance, disability and death compensation, child care, space-available travel on DOD aircraft, payments to missing persons, commissary privileges, exchange privileges, welfare and recreation programs, emergency leave, and youth programs."



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