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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

House Of Delegates Takes Important Step Towards Offshore Wind Power

Today, the Maryland House of Delegates made progress towards passage of the offshore wind bill put forward by Gov. Martin O’Malley (HB 226), the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013. The House voted to move the bill to the final stage of voting, called “3rd Reader.” In response, Tommy Landers, the director of Environment Maryland issues this brief statement:

“Gov. O’Malley and the Maryland House of Delegates are doing the right thing for our kids, our air, our climate, and our economy. The offshore wind industry is coming to our region, and this bill will put Maryland on the cutting edge of states ready to embrace and reap all of its benefits. Our climate is changing, extreme weather is becoming more damaging, and dirty air is still endangering our children. For Maryland, offshore wind is a critical part of the solution to the many challenges created by our ongoing addiction to fossil fuels. Congratulations and many thanks to Speaker Busch, Chairmen Davis, and their colleagues in the House of Delegates for moving this vital policy forward.”


  1. democrat gov. omalley and democrat led house are moving this trash forward. again uneducated, crooks. follow the money here. they don't care about you or me. never have, never will.

  2. 1) Windmills will kill birds and a few bats wherever they are erected. Possibly more offshore than where trees grow on land, offering birds the alternative landing sites.
    2) Electricity and 10 miles of salt water DON’T MIX!
    3) Maintenance will require boats, which are giant holes in the water money is poured in to.
    4) If they break down out there, how will we, the taxpayers who are paying higher utility rates to have them, know?
    5) A hurricane will probably take out half of them, as there videos out there of them eating themselves in 50 mph winds.
    6) If they overheat or otherwise malfunction, a shutdown might happen next month on the maintenance check?


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