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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

North Dakota Senate Passes “Personhood” Bill Granting Legal Rights to Fertilized Eggs

What is going on in North Dakota?

The state successfully passed yet another restrictive, Supreme Court-baiting antiabortionmeasure, this time voting to define a “person” as “an individual member of the species homo sapiens at every stage of development” — including human embryos.

In short: They have endowed fertilized eggs with the same rights as a living, breathing person. A move that would restrict all abortions except in narrowly defined cases where a woman’s life is at risk.

According to the abortion rights group Parents Against Personhood, the bill:

Contains an exception for “medical treatment of life-threatening conditions of pregnancy”, for “contraception administered before clinically diagnosable pregnancy,” and for “screening, collecting, preparing, transferring, or cryopreserving of a human being created through in vitro fertilization for the purpose of being transferred to a human uterus.

1 comment:

  1. What's going on?

    They're trying to protect human rights.

    Good job North Dakota.


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