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Thursday, February 28, 2013

85% Of Marylanders Support Handgun Licensing Requirement

A new Washington Post poll out today confirms that an overwhelming majority of Marylanders support Governor O'Malley's commonsense reforms to reduce gun violence. In fact, a full 85% back the Governor's proposal to require individuals to get a license before purchasing a handgun -- including fingerprinting. 

You may view the latest post at http://www.governor.maryland.gov/blog/?p=8352


  1. More stinking commie propaganda at its finest. Who was polled? Who paid for the poll? Hey Chuck Cook, Slick Rick, Norm and Jim, stick your commie propaganda where the sun doesn't shine.

  2. Lies lies lies. Sorry O but we just don't trust you.

  3. yeah right! geez all they do is lie! those spcalled 85% can give up their rights, I not giving up mine!

  4. There's that common sense phrase again. Inalienable rights are immune to flawed common sense. It's just to bad that individuals aren't immune from those who would separate them from their liberties.

  5. Well I was told by a statistics professor...."give me the information you want .....and I give you the stats to prove it"!

  6. Where was that survey done??? 1 mile radius around D.C. what a joke.

  7. I guess the peeps on the easternshore DON'T count.

  8. I'd say there is a 85% chance the state is lying. Check all the communist countries, Registration = Confiscation.

  9. where do you all get your information just went to the website and its NOT 85% somebody cant read or just wants to twist the numbers for headlines

  10. anonymous 11:26, it came directly from GOVERNOR O'MALLEY.

  11. so he is a little retarded and can read correctly he needs to go back to school this whole gun law is nothing more than a money scheme for the state of Maryland

  12. What happened to our "Shall Issue" carry conceiled pistols law??? Federal Judge said it was unconstutional, and Maryland shall issue without a "Good and substantial reason"...How come we hear nothing on it after it was supposed to be appealed and answered in Oct. 2012.....

  13. more like 85% of democrats...

  14. They polled DC suburbs. Crap poll with a selection bias.

  15. Are we still on the gun issues?

  16. if 85 percent of morons in this state are that stupid then I don't need to be here.... I'm moving to Virginia where i work my house is going on the market I'm getting the heck out this libtared state..these morons across the bay sure are dumb sheep

  17. If this info came from Governor O'Dumbass you know its a dam lie, O'Dumbass is so crooked he cant lay in bed straight.

  18. 4:14...yeah, gun "issues" are getting old, huh?. Next topic up for our "leaders"? That stupid old "freedom of assembly". Then "free speech". Boy, I'll bet it's REAALY hard to find something to hold your attention longer than an MTV video.


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