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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lawmakers Consider Minimum Wage Boost

Lawmakers in Annapolis are considering raising the minimum wage in Maryland. which is now $7.25 an hour.

A bill before the House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate would boost the wage in three stages to $10 an hour by July, 2015, and it would then tie the wage to the cost of living.

Additionally, workers who receive tips would get a 20% increase in their wages.


  1. I've seen a lot of opposition to raising the minimum wage from people who I would have expected to favor it. Maybe this will make everyone happy: Exempt from minimum wage requirements those jobs held by persons who are (a) full-time students; and (b) claimed as dependents on their parents' tax returns. This would reduce the number of younger, less-skilled workers benefiting from the higher the minimum wage while not hurting persons in that category who are self-supporting.

  2. Here's an idea which might appeal to those who oppose minimum wage increases because they don't believe younger, less-skilled workers should earn more: Exempt from minimum wage requirements those jobs held by persons who are (a) full-time students; and (b) claimed as dependents on their parents' tax returns. It doesn't totally solve the problem, but it shrinks the pool of eligible workers while not putting at a disadvantage younger workers who are self-supporting.

  3. Didn't mean to post twice. I thought the first one hadn't gone through.

  4. Queensgirly, you posted your HORRIBLE for all of us to read not once, but TWICE and both times it was a HORRIBLE idea.

  5. Minimum wage should be ZERO. If you give me something ov value, I will pay you in kind. If you are here to get shown how to do it, you owe me for teaching you.
    That's the way it's supposed to work, and it can.

  6. bye bye bye bye another stupid idea from a bunch of libtarded morons in Annapolis

  7. I think that there should be a minimum wage...but I think that raising it RIGHT NOW is a bad idea.

  8. Young lady, there are no younger workers who are self supporting.(at least very few)

  9. My fixed income doesn't get cost of living wages. Why should minimum wage earners?


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