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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wicomico County States Attorneys Office Fails To Update Website For 3 Months

If your not in the loop, States Attorney Matt Maciarello won't recognize you as "Press" and just to make sure some of us are kept out of the loop their office has refused to update their Website for 3 months now. 

Mr. Maciarello being an elected official, even if I were to take the taxpayer/resident approach to this Post, no matter what is said the public is not made aware of just what is and or isn't getting done in Wicomico County. So much for open government.

It's no wonder so many of us are challenging the alleged reduction in crime.

UPDATE: I have held a conversation with Matt Maciarello today referencing this matter and he has informed me the States Attorneys Office changed their policy referencing information on their Website.

Rather than updating the Website they have now chosen to send out Press Releases on those cases they feel are important to the community. That being said, let me stress that their Press Releases are the very cases they would have put up on their Website.

The States Attorneys Office does not publish all 5,000+ cases a year. I was invited and informed to visit their Office and or the Court Rooms daily if I wanted to be a part of knowing everything that is going on. While that would not be possible for me to personally do, it is as fair as it gets, since no one else is in the Press hand fed information.

I'd like to thank Mr. Maciarello for taking his time to fully explain their new process at this point and we, (or at least I) have a much better understanding of how things now work. My apologies to anyone in the States Attorneys Office, I was not aware that your Office was no longer publishing on your Website. In closing, perhaps you should mention that on the Site for those people visiting and wondering why  information hasn't been published since December of 2012. 


  1. By not updating the website he is keeping all citizens in the county in the dark. What is he trying to hide?

  2. He will have an election coming soon and will get his chance to defend his actions or lack there of.

  3. I'm sorry I voted for Matt. Just another wet noodle.

  4. who's the scary little guy in the blue?

  5. Matt is way in over his head.

  6. OMG I checked Worcester and no cases were on there

    I checked Somerset with same results

    So I checked Dorchester and they haven't updated since August 2012

    Probably not required so I figure Matt, Beau, Dan and Bill are not guilty of hiding crime cases. Guess all 4 can defend their lack of action at next election/

    No big deal = go to Police agencies to see arrest on their sites, or go to Judiciary if you want to see the results of cases. Joe and the Daily Times list crimes for the police agencies also.

  7. Must be BC there is NO Crime in Salisbury, What a Joke to the Prosecutors Office.

  8. Joe, you are on to something here. For starters, it is statistically impossible for crime to have gone down 40%. They are flat out lying to the public. If crime had gone down 5% that would have been a massive improvement. Theft and burglary have gone through the roof in Salisbury in the last year. Ireton and Duncan and lying about the reduction in crime. Having out SA not report crime and convictions troubles me quite a bit. I hope you get elected.

  9. Where are the Crime SWEEPS through out Salisbury let me guess they are too busy eating doNUTS.

  10. Matt has done nothing to reduce crime in Salisbury. He has let a number of great attorneys go without any explanation. His own staff is terrified of him! How is that working together with cooperation? As a business owner in addition to higher taxes, less services we are for the first time in a long time taking measures to project our property and employees from a rise in crime in our area. Joe you can not come soon enough - I for one am tired of it!

  11. WOW, I guess Matt has a GAG order in his office too, Hmmmm Who does this sound like?

  12. This is BS. All of you are on a need to know basis and you don't need to know. How is it going to change your life? Why don't you change gears and get to the bottom of the birth certificate/social security number of your Obama. Get off the couch in your parents basement and go get a job.

  13. It must be a conspiracy. Oh my. Will they never stop?

  14. 12:06...thats the truth!

  15. Just more transparency from the liberal progressives.

  16. 12:06 Is that you Matt/Jim?

  17. There is an awful lot of whining going on here. I'd rather the SA does his job than worrying about a web site. Maybe he should hire a PIO, taxpayers expense, of course.

  18. 1:09 THERE GOES JT.

  19. Looks like they are getting ready to prosecute Dorothy for killing the wicked witch of the west.

  20. 12:06 are you kidding me. I'm a business owner here in Salisbury - our county and city taxes combined this year was $5918.15 - I have every right to question our elected officials - it is a joke that Matt claims crime is down - not in our area - in addition to these taxes I'm now paying for additional security and had to install a locked gate around are parking lot. I'm not sitting on my parent's conch in the basement - I am telling every one I know to vote for Joe!

  21. Good ole boys club...

  22. Having just finished 6-month of Grand Jury duty for Wicomico County I feel as if I can objectively say a few things about Mr. Maciarello and crime in general:
    He’s a true professional, who came prepared each and every day that we were in session.
    He’s a truly caring person, who spends countless hours away from family working for the citizens of Wicomico.
    He has, by all accounts that I witnessed, a great relationship with his staff.
    His staff, like Matt, came to work prepared ready to handle the people’s business, were courteous, caring, and above all professional!
    I can say, I have the utmost respect and admiration for each of them, in what they do, and so happy they’re working for me! (Thanks)
    As for crime, make no mistakes about it, this county has plenty of crime (or so I believe)!
    Not being in law enforcement, the attorney’s office, or correctional system it would be hard to say; Wicomico/Salisbury has a crime problem. I really don’t put much faith in crime statistics myself. I like most, don’t seem to read or hear much about crime, other than the headliners – murder or big drug busts.
    What I can say; is over 6 months I saw it all – Murder, rape, robbery, drugs, child porn, child abuse, assaults, theft… the list goes on!
    So as a man of reasonable intelligence there’s no doubt in my mind, there is crime in Wicomico… Crime in itself is a problem… and there doesn’t seem to be a shortage coming!

  23. take this to the bank Maryland and County this states politics making me to relocate to a friendlier environment...good luck

  24. Two goofs and a chick.


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