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Friday, January 25, 2013

What The 2012 Election Would Look Like Under The Republicans' Vote-Rigging Plan

Republicans have a new strategy for 2016: Change the rules of presidential elections in order to swing the electoral college in the GOP's favor.

On Wednesday, Virginia's Republican-controlled legislature became one of the first to advance a bill that would allocate electoral votes by congressional district. Last week, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus endorsed pushing through similar proposals in other states with Republican legislative majorities.

The strategy would have states alter the way they translate individual votes into electors -- thereby giving Republican candidates an advantage. Had the 2012 election been apportioned in every state according to these new Republicans plans, Romney would have led Obama by at least 11 electoral votes. Here's how.  Continue HERE 


  1. Lol..they have to cheat to win.. Republican Party is over.. A bunch of Old voters...

  2. Cheating would entail no voter ID laws.

  3. Explaine why this would be cheating 6:41? It's not dishonest or unfair. It would level the playing field for both parties. As it stands with most states, a large portion of the state's votes do not count and that's why they can call elections way before votes are tallied. Anyone who believes that all votes should count would support this. It's a no brainer and contrary to Huffington propaganda is not vote-rigging. "Rigging" gives an advantage to one side and that's exactly what is happening now under the current system due to the population being centered mostly in a handful of congressional districts. Our votes on the Eastern Shore are virtually meaningless.
    Anyone who would ever be against this is the cheater.

  4. It's called Gerrymandering--look it up, wingnuts.

  5. >>>Republican Party is over.. A bunch of Old voters...<<<

    And what a fine job you young democrat voters have done for the country.
    Mass unemployment, gun-running to Mexican cartels, record deficits, the middle-east in chaos, crushing tax increases, stifling business regulations, constitutional crimes, impending gun-grabs, turning citizens against one another, etc.
    Oh, yeah - you ignorant twerps are doing a great job running the country. But everybody got a free cellphone, right?

  6. It is not called gerrymandering~~ you wingnut. I don't need to look it up but you sure as heck do to avoid embarrasing yourself before you uttered this in public. Gerrymandering is redisticting. This has ZERO to do with redistricting-ZERO-Got it? This is about allocating. In other words not all of VA's electorial votes would automatically go to a single candidate but would be allocated to the winner in that particular congressional district. Maine and atleast one other state use this split system of distributing the votes.

  7. I still believe they used a computer program to let Obama win this last election.


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