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Friday, January 25, 2013

Hillary Clinton Vs. Ron Johnson On Benghazi

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got into a heated exchange with Republican Sen. Ron Johnson during her testimony on the September terrorist attack in Benghazi when he asked her about the Obama administration's initial response to the attack.

Johnson asked why the people who were evacuated safely weren't interviewed immediately. He said that he believed U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice "intentionally misled" people in the initial aftermath of the attack by blaming it on a spontaneous protest, a charge that Clinton brushed off and said "nothing could be further from the truth."

When Johnson continued to press her on the initial misleading information, Clinton got visibly animated and shouted down Johnson before he could finish his question.

"We had four dead Americans!" she said. "Whether it was attack preplanned by terrorists or it because of a guy out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill Americans ... What difference does it make?!"


  1. She deserves her philandering husband -- both are white trash!

  2. She is a POS actor and the questioners were well versed in what not to ask. It's Hollywood, folks! Can't you see that the reason Hollywood is so far up the political butt is because the political nose is so far up the Hollywood butt?

  3. Some were trying to ask the right questions. That's why she had her little hissy fit and said what difference does it make at this point. (regarding why the embassy was attacked)

    Being fired should be the least of her worries. She should be a defendant in a court of law.

  4. What truly makes me vomit is the fact that there are thousands of fellow citizens who are slobbering for the opportunity to vote for this hag for president.

  5. "What difference does it make?!"

    Then why LIE about it?

  6. Why it matters is because for days after they put out the false info, it started a chain reaction, and using the video as an excuse "protesters" gatherered at embassaies worldwide (not only American.) These embassies were breeched, ranshacked and damaged, costing massive amounts of money and putting more lives at risk.
    For Clinton's information, the lie has nothing to do with 4 dead Americans but has all to do with the chaos lies like this can cause. Why it matters is because competent leaders and esp those within the State Dept should know that what they are dealing with in the region and with the culture is people who are sitting around slobbering and just waiting for something-- anything to offend their sensiblities so they can cause chaos.

  7. "What difference does it make?!"

    Then why LIE about it?

    January 26, 2013 at 5:50 AM

    Good point. If it's no big deal as she tries to assert, why not be honest and open about it?


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