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Friday, January 25, 2013

Sheriffs Warn Obama Of Deadly War Over Guns

The Utah Sheriffs' Association has written an official letter to President Barack Obamawarning of a deadly war over guns if the president and Congress enact the gun bans,gun registration, and gun control measures Obama has recommended to Congress,according to Sipsey Street Irregularswhich received a copy of the letter.

The full text of the letter can be read here.

The key paragraph in the letter is as follows:
We respect the Office of the President of the United States of America. But, make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs of our respective counties, we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights -- in particular Amendment II -- has given them. We, like you, swore a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation.



  1. A big thank you to all the sheriff's that suport the people. I can only hope Maryland sheriff's feel the same.

  2. And if I'm not mistaken Our president just took that same oath for a second time. So he has broken his oath in the first week. God, how stupid are we.

  3. Those are the cops out West (and I might even start liking them), but the cops here in Maryland don't really understand the Constitution, believe in any "oath" they may have taken and like nothing more than making up for being 5'5" by collecting revenue for the state under the PRETENSE of "protecting and serving us". And, of course, acting openly and brazenly like the law doesn't apply to them. But the part about a possible war with the civilian populace? Dead on.

  4. I hope the Maryland Sheriffs Association on behalf of all Maryland Sheriffs will step forward and support the position of the Utah Sheriffs.

  5. Obama wants war he's been dividing the country since he has held office keep following him sheeple

  6. Obama has invested too much in ammunition and coffins not to use them he cannot wait.

  7. Why doesn't Mike Lewis have the balls to join them?

    Hurt his political aims perhaps?

  8. I am ready to go to war with every idiot and Democrat who voted for Obama!

  9. 8:48, that is the LEAST American thing you could say. You are no better than the Taliban.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:48, that is the LEAST American thing you could say. You are no better than the Taliban.

    January 25, 2013 at 9:20 PM

    I agree with 8:48. You are a soft hearted liberal and obviously voted for Obama!

  11. "I am ready to go to war with every idiot and Democrat who voted for Obama!"

    I don't want to see a conflict, but I do believe it is time for a peaceful partition of this country. Let the freaks, parasites, perverts, criminals, illegals and the rest of the liberal democrats have half and go their merry way.

  12. If the liberals are the enemy 9:20 what do you suggest we do with them if not go to war with them?

  13. The Internet Tough Guy brigade is out in force again. I'd be willing to bet that most of you are chickenhawks who have never seen any real bloodshed but you love to talk about destroying this country and killing your fellow citizens.

  14. "The Internet Tough Guy brigade is out in force again."

    Another convenient stereotype from the dim-witted Obama bunch.

  15. The Internet Tough Guy brigade is out in force again. I'd be willing to bet that most of you are chickenhawks who have never seen any real bloodshed but you love to talk about destroying this country and killing your fellow citizens.

    January 26, 2013 at 9:24 AM

    Listen kid, what makes you think nobody has seen any bloodshed? Second, we are trying to SAVE this country not destroy it.

    That is already being done by the White House and on down through the branches of our current government.

  16. "The Internet Tough Guy brigade is out in force again. I'd be willing to bet that most of you are chickenhawks who have never seen any real bloodshed but you love to talk about destroying this country and killing your fellow citizens."

    Understand this - if people like YOU would just leave people like ME alone, this conversation would end. I don't know why you feel you have the right to dictate to me how I can lead my life. And as long as you feel so entitled, your kind are not 'fellow citizens' by any means.

  17. From what I see on the eastern shore their are many that will stand up for the second amendment. Thank god the sheep are few.

  18. They called Jefferson a traitor, too. I'm sure that really hurt his feelings. No one has to make any excuses for standing up for (and willing to sacrifice for it) freedom, individual liberty, SELF determination, and the ideals that made our country go from a rag-tag collection of colonies to the greatest economic engine in the history of the Earth. And a beacon of freedom and opportunity to miliions upon millions of people. I doubt that 9:24 has a clue about ANY of that. Go back to checking Nasdaq and your portfolio. We'll handle the hard work...

  19. thank you to the sheriffs that are not in favor of our rights being violated. i just hope more law enforsement feels that way. and yes there are a lot of us willing to stand up for our rights. when they try us they will find that out. thanks sjd


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