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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Does This REALLY Need To Be A Law?

5. SB211- Tree Experts

Should this bill pass, licensed tree experts in Maryland would no longer be able to supervise more than one company that provides tree expert services.

4. SB 191- Increasing penalties for theft of a 
wheeled cart 

This bill increases the fine for damaging, stealing, and abandoning grocery carts from $25 to $100. Did you know that grocery carts suffered from abandonment issues too? Is this REALLY worth making a law?

3. HB 13- State Sandwich- Soft Shell Crab

This legislation would make the State Sandwich the soft shell crab sandwich. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, we have this directly from the policy note:

"Soft-shell crab sandwiches are generally quite simple. A traditional sandwich consists of a breaded and fried soft-shell crab between two slices of white bread or toast. Lettuce and tomato are common additions; there also maybe a squirt of lemon, Old Bay seasoning, or some tartar sauce. The focus of the sandwich is the sweet and savory meat of the crab and the crunch of the soft shell."

Can we at least discuss issues with real, substantive debate? For example, should the State soup be cream of crab or Maryland crab soup?

2. SB 220- Cable Service Providers- Missed Appointments

This legislation would provide penalties for television service providers who miss their scheduled appointment time with their subscriber. Really? Can't the private sector take care of itself? What would any normal person do if they were stood up on any other date? DUMP 'EM!

1. HB 173- Golf Cart Zones on Highway

This bill would give Charles County the authority to designate "Golf Cart Zones" on highways in that county. What's next, Rascal zones? Look out, here comes Grandma! How about a lane designated specifically for little Jimmy and his Big Wheel? Honestly, does this REALLY need to be a law?


  1. I do like the idea of Golf Cart Zones on public roads. Something you may want to consider when you mayor of Salisbury Joe. Have you seen the refurbished golf carts at PASCO? An interesting idea for many people who can not afford a second car, but need simple around town transportion. Not to mention they are environmentally friendly and unlike motor scooters, the gold cart maximum speed is less than 18mph.

  2. The real question is how much does it cost to prepare each of these bills whether it makes it to the floor or not.

  3. These are all unnecessary laws. Don't they have more important things to discuss & legislate? They're just making up busy work to fill their time so they don't have to tackle the big issues.

  4. There are a lot better things they need to be working on in an economy like we are experiencing.

    How many jobs is that soft crab sandwich creating?

  5. Cable providers are franchised by the government and practically a monopoly. Dumping them for another provider would be great if you had a lot of choices like switching other repair services.

  6. Comcast is a racket, whether you get just internet, or only TV and phone, the cost is the same as their 3 tier bundle package. That should be criminal.

    If I just wanted internet I would only be saving $10 a month dropping the TV and phone. People trying to find a job need the internet, many places won't even accept a paper application anymore.

  7. Really???? This is all that our elected officals can come up with?? What about our Veterans, the homeless, etc!!!! You really gotta love good ole Mary-land, thanks to gay marriage ofcourse.

  8. Comcast missed an appointment for us, and gave us a credit on our next bill. And a very nice apology. It was $20 or $25. I don't remember which. They have been nothing but great in all of our dealings. Sugar gets sugar, vinegar gets vinegar. Try being nice sometimes, it's not the poor worker bee's fault that something failed.

  9. Limit their terms to 3 months, cut their salary in half, deny them travel out of state, and put them under the same laws we are held to. Or hang them. Either way is good.

  10. Any bill that can help waterman in this anti-waterman state is good. The soft shell crab proposal will not take a lot of time, but will support Maryland jobs.

  11. 4:02, no, it won't. Do you actually think that this will somehow increase crab sales in Maryland? Here's your clue: The Cardinal is the state bird in Illinois. How many jobs do you think that "creates"?

  12. 7:10 nobody eats Cardinals. When Maryland made Smith Island cake the official dessert my cake business increased 300%over the first four months. My output of Smith Island cakes is STILL HIGHER than it was before.

    People eat soft shell crabs. Making it the state sandwich is a good attempt, at nearly no cost, to increase jobs.


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