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Sunday, January 27, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: American Pastor Sentenced To 8 Years in Iranian Prison

Jailed Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini has been convicted by an Iranian court and sentenced to eight years in prison.


  1. Another Islamic country sentencing or KILLING Americans and/or Christians --- just because they are Americans and/or Christians!!! And our State Department, did NOTHING. Let me repeat that,
    N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!! More NObama and Hillitard crp!!

  2. Start rounding up the Iranians in this country.

  3. obama just turned to hillary and gave her a high five! Then called all those muslim scientists at NASA to apologize to them for the audacity of that Christian family for thinking they had any religious freedom. Now, imagine what his family in Iran is going to go through....NOT A WORD from OUR so called and self professed "christian" leader of the (supposed) free world.

  4. NOT A WORD from OUR so called and self professed "christian" leader of the (supposed) free world.

    January 27, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    I just talked to him. He said you can handle it, he has more pressing matters to attend to.


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