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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Apes, Pigs, and F-16s

 When Mohamed Morsi dehumanizes Jews as “the descendants of apes and pigs,” there’s an elephant in the room. We find it here:
Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil — these are many times worse in rank, and far more astray from the even Path!
You see, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood mahoff–turned–president did not conjure up the apes-and-pigs riff on his own. When Morsi fulminates that Muslims “must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews, and all those who support them,” he is taking his cues straight from the Koran. Or rather, from the Holy Koran, as “progressive” American politicians take pains to call it in the off hours from their campaign to drive every last vestige of Judeo-Christian culture from the public square.


  1. It's ok President Obama has this undercontrol.

  2. This is treason. F-16's and Abrahm tanks to our enemies!!! Ialmic brotherHOOD kills Americans.

  3. This guy WILL start WWIII.

  4. There's nothing like the fresh smell of radiation in the mornings.

  5. 1:01

    I hope he does start WW111 , get us out of this rulership.

  6. What else is Lockheed Martin going to do with all those 17 million dollar figher jets sitting around? No problem-call slave boy Obama and he and his fellow dems come up with something. When one of the biggest defense contractors in the country calls Obama jumps.
    All's good though. The rich keep on getting richer than ever with this president the biggest suck up to big corps and business ever elected president, and the peons who voted for him are wallowing deeper into cesspools of poverty and crime.

  7. Holly crap, next you know he will give them free cell phones, health care and College.

  8. Remeber how offended obama and hillary were when that guy in California made a film about the muslim religion? Nationally covered speeches full of indignation and sympathy for the poor muslims. Full blown liberal media coverage and castigation of someone who would DARE insult the religion of perverts, dang it, I mean, PEACE. Even went so far as to label that film the cause of Americans being murdered and dragged through the street. And also knew that story was a LIE! KNEW it and said it anyway. So where is obama and hillary when a HEAD OF STATE calls other humans and an entire culture " evil apes and swine" and insists that CHILDREN to taught to hate them? Oh. Thats right. They are at meetings arranging the transfer of VERY deadly military technology and weapons to them. THIS is the AMERICAN president's reaction to this fountain of hatred and murder??? Sadly, the jewish voting block gave obama million upon millions in campaign contributions. So, now, when they complain that obama is helping an organization (the muslim brotherhood) SWORN to eradicate the Jews from the planet by any means available, well, just sit down and shut the hell up. You have no standing.

  9. You have no standing.

    January 27, 2013 at 2:53 PM

    You have no clue.

  10. And WE helped him get into office, watch how this one bites us in the A//.

  11. Back with the "you have no clue", huh? You working out of the Homeland Security interrogation manual? Point out the fallacy in what I say, or argue some FACTS, but the "you don't have a clue" is pretty lame. I'm getting the feeling that you couldn't reason your way out of a one door room... probably have bunch of plaques and awards for popping college kids with a joint. Or beating up old ladies who said something you didn't like...while four other cops held her down. Got any FACTS? THAT'S the refutation I'm looking for....

  12. 10:11 PM

    Not a clue here either.

  13. Facts. Got any of them? Point out the error in my assertations. Tell us what YOU think we should do about someone like Morsi and our continued weapons shipments. I can't wait. But I think I'll be waiting for a looooong time....


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