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Sunday, January 13, 2013

California Running Out of Kids to Subsidize its Teacher’s Union Pensions

As mentioned before, blue states have a serious problem. Lots of teachers and administrators with big pensions and a shortage of kids for them to mishandle.For example, take Detroit. (Please) 
The Detroit Public Schools could be faced with a staffing dilemma in a couple of years if steps are not taken to reduce the number of teachers employed by the district. If projections of dwindling student counts are accurate, the district could soon have 1,800 more teachers than it needs, with the annual bill to pay them costing in the range of $100 million… This would mean that the district would have lost 61 percent of its student enrollment since 2003-04 when it had 150,000 students.
This isn’t completely fatal for Detroit, since it will just go on feeding off Michigan, while boasting that it now has class sizes of 6 students to a teacher. But it’s a big problem on a state level. Take California. (Please.)
In 1970, six years after the end of the baby boom, children made up more than one-third of California’s population. By 2030, they will account for just one-fifth. The state’s birthrate fell to 1.94 children per woman in 2010, below the replacement level of 2.1 children, according to the study. California’s rate is lower than the overall U.S. rate of 2.06 children in 2012, according to the Central Intelligence Agency.

1 comment:

  1. Am I the only one who has wondered what in the hell the CIA is doing studying the birth rate of states in our country?? For all the people who DON'T know, and thats MOST of you, the CIA is PROHIBITED BY LAW from operating in the United States. Which, to me, means studying, monitoring, and evaluating U.S. citizens. Don't we have Homeland Security, the FBI, the Secret Service, Facebook, Treasury agents, the ATF, and hundreds of thousands of cops to do THAT? Now, the CIA, too?


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