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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Big Drop In Those Who Say Being Gay's A Sin, Study Says

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Americans who believe being gay is a sin are now a minority — a shift that a Southern Baptist-affiliated research group links to President Barack Obama's changed opinion of gay marriage.
A November survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research found 37% of Americans polled said "yes" when asked if homosexual behavior is a sin. Forty-five percent said it was not. Seventeen percent didn't know. 

That's a major change from LifeWay's September 2011 survey, when 44% said homosexuality was a sin, 43% said it wasn't and 13% didn't know.


  1. Ob' did not change his OPINION, only his election strategy.....

  2. Gay may be a sin, bit it's still discusting!

  3. Obviously it is not, nor will it ever be normal.
    It is and always will be a selfish sin against nature.
    It is and always will be a repulsive abnormal behavioral weakness and should be discouraged and treated as the mental illness it is.

  4. homosexuality is NOT a sin! It's a sickness.

  5. What is a sin is the fact that education is publicly available to all Americans, yet the four "Anonymous" individuals above seem to have missed lessons in the simple usage of capitalization, punctuation and spelling. Is English not your native language? If this is the type of intelligence that anti-gay followers of this blog think is helpful and correct, than I will gladly continue to support the other side! Long live the gays.


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