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Sunday, January 13, 2013

CA gun Show Draws 10,000 People ‘Getting Ready For The Next Revolution’

What drew an estimated 10,000 people to a Northern California gun show? Simple. According to one attendee, they’re scared. 

“Obama wants to take everybody’s guns away,” said Bob Daziel, who stood in line with hundreds on Saturday to get into the Crossroads of The West event in Daly City, California. “So they’re down here buying ammo, buying guns, they’re getting ready for the next revolution.” 

Organizers told KGO-TV they were surprised at the record turnout, believing it to be spurred on by the recent discussions headed by Vice President Joe Biden regarding gun safety.


  1. One good thing if there is a revolution we will win because the liberals wont be armed.

  2. People are beginning to see there WILL be the "next" revolution. It is INEVITABLE, just as power hungry and know-it-all politicians seek to preserve their greed and power, the people are DESTINED to take it from them. And it has NEVER turned out well for the politicians. But, being one of the stupidest and greedy of the possible professions, politicians don't think it will ever be THEM hanging from a lamp post. But it will. But only after we run out of bullets....

  3. ERROR.. Biden's discussions were about gun CONTROL, not gun SAFETY....

  4. The whip is about to come down in this country and you better be ready they are trying to disarm this country so when Sharia Law comes to USA we all wont go crazy.

  5. Please. Let it begin!

  6. If we look back we can see that it was right at the attempt to disarm the people when the FIRST revolutionary war began.

  7. Don't make the mistake of thinking liberals are not armed. The liberals in power are well armed it's the sheeple that support them that are not armed and will pay the price for following without question. God have mercy on them.

  8. What is amazing is that all this talk about obammy taking guns, a gun bad and all the other 2nd amend. attacks, and I have yet to see obammy deny them.

    Has anyone seen him say he is not going to take anyone's guns or limit the 2nd amend. recently?

    I haven't. I am quite sure he knows what rumors are going around. But he is quiet.


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