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Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Left’s War on Minorities, the Poor, & Working Americans

The policies of the socialist Left, under the banners of “social justice,” “equality,” and “compassion,” have inflicted catastrophe in many forms—poverty, moral decline, criminality, violence, illness, and death—upon countless millions of people in the U.S. and around the world. The programs and policies that led to these disastrous outcomes were often promoted by “progressives” as expressions of high-minded “liberal” idealism that promised to improve the living conditions not only of people in great need, but also of those in the so-called middle class.

Leftists unfailingly view their own prescriptions for all manner of social ills—e.g., racism, sexism, homophobia, intolerance, greed, alienation—as solutions uniquely rooted in enlightenment and decency. (By contrast, they portray conservative social policy as the outgrowth of selfishness, greed and mean-spiritedness.) But the solutions they have advanced in the form of social and ideological crusades—often prosecuted with messianic zeal—have actually brought immense, needless suffering to the very same “victims” in whose names they have acted.

1 comment:

  1. BUT ---- those policies also bring in VOTES! The liberals don't really care about the consequences of dependency. They want the $175,000 a year job in Congress. And how can they get that? Just like they are doing now. Our country? Our future? The future for families who have, for 30-50 years, NEVER had a job and thinks everything just falls like manna from heaven? They couldn't care less. As long as they don't have to live next to them. Or have their kids go to school with them. Or, God forbid, TOUCH one of them.


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