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Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Viewer Takes Notice



  1. A great fire starter is corn cobs.

  2. That is some info on how much buying power Walmart has, they can afford to even put other franchises out of business. The cost of buying cheap!

  3. Pine cones also are a great fire starter.

  4. That would be the cheapest way to go

    ACE is high but I'm amazed they're that much higher!

    1. This is how Walmart is running small businesses out of business. Check the prices Walmart charges once all the competition has shut down! Without local businesses providing jobs to our neighbors it will snowball into effecting local restaurants sales, local suppliers paying someone to stock shelves etc.

  5. Yeah! you can do many things with corn cobs.

  6. dryer lint in an old toilet paper roll is the cheapest

  7. This is a perfect example of how Walmart runs local businesses out of business. Stores in towns where their competition has closed-up shop are much higher than areas where they still have local competition. When local businesses shut down many of our neighbors end up unemployed and unable to shop and spend their income at other local businesses...the snowball effect!
    We must all make a choice....take the cheap route or make a positive difference in your community by supporting local businesses

  8. BETTY JO: Ace hardware is NOT a SMALL business the problem with there company is that they choose not to be near other large stores so they can manipulate there prices, because a lot of people don't feel like going to Walmart Because it is a little out of the way,Ace Hardware has been RIPPING OFF this community for years, as far as Walmart they hire a hell of a lot more people than Ace Hardware and i am SURE you probably visit there at least twice a week. Ps the Picture speaks for its self.

  9. in case you have forgotten,ace hardware is a national chain with a huge national advertising budget..it shows you how much more people pay for the same product by not shopping around..

  10. Ace Hardware Cooperate office 866 290 5334.

  11. The problem is that the store is independently owned and the owners make up there own price so obviously the owner likes ripping off the community, good job owner. I myself will drive the extra 5 minutes to walmart and save me some $$$ shame on them.

  12. if you have ever compared electronics at walmart to other stores, in some cases,not all, the packaging the make and model will be the same as the other stores, however if you look closely at the specs, (examples, pics, speed, memory) maybe slightly less, that is one thing that can help reduce their cost on certain product......i dont know if logs can be made different but take a look just in case

  13. This must be for a special event.Even $9.96 is way to high.Maybe for a romantic evening where money was no object,or for the guy in Accomac Co who wants to get in and get out quickly.

  14. One of the problems with walmart is that they get the larger manufacturers to make merchandise for them that is lower quality for a lower price. For example, Firestone tires at walmart are not the same as Firestone tires at an independent tire retailer.

  15. 5:44 look at the box its the EXACT same product, same quantity, same brand?

  16. For example, Firestone tires at walmart are not the same as Firestone tires at an independent tire retailer.

    January 27, 2013 at 5:44 PM

    That is not true. They may order lower quality tires but Firestone will not make the same tire lower quality for different retailers.

    Get a grip or offer some proof.

  17. hey 5:44 that is exactly what i said, you can have the exact same box but turn it over and look at the small print, the specs

  18. oh yea 5:44 it is not the same box, take a close look

  19. Ripoff store = Ace .

  20. I will never go back there.

  21. Ace is a business. They price their goods and open the doors to the public. If the price is too high, you fore go the purchase. Simple, easy, and self-correcting. That's the way the marketplace should be.

  22. So shop at walmart, not to difficult of a decision.

  23. Well i guess the owner of the franchise is happy with taking advantage of the locals.


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