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Monday, July 23, 2012

Hello, Chuck, Call Everyone You Can, It's Dead Here

Chuck: Who's this?

Ireton: It's Jimmy.

Chuck: Yeah, sure it is. What's the secret code.

Ireton: Secret Code, what are you talking about.

Chuck: After you spoofed Albero we made up a secret code, REMEMBER?

Ireton: Oh yeah, shoot, Antwan.

Chuck: 10-4 Jimmy, what's up?

Ireton: It's dead down here for 3rd Friday. Send out an e-mail to everyone on our list and tell them to come on down.

Chuck: Who's there now?

Ireton: No one that will talk to me. I'm standing down by Parker Place all alone. Bring me something I can give away so people will like me again.

Chuck: Like what, we've given just about everything away to the Daily Times, remember.

Ireton: Damn, we did. Come on Chuck, your the creative one. Do we have any Obama shirts?

Chuck: Nope, you gave them all out at the last toga party in Rehoboth.

Ireton: Well, we've got some coffee mugs we were going to give away to all the employees for Christmas, how about those.

Chuck: What are you going to give the employees at Christmas then?

Ireton: How about those cheap key rings with a key to the city on them.

Chuck: Yeah, your probably going to lose anyway, but what the heck.

Ireton: WHAT!

Chuck: Oh nothing, I was talking to a friend who's buying a scratch off ticket.

Ireton: Oh, I thought you were talking about the election.

Chuck: Oh, uh, no, that wasn't it at all. I'll stop by the building and get some mugs.

Ireton: Well hurry up. It doesn't look good standing here with no one around me. How long will it take you to get here.

Chuck: Its gonna take a while. I have to change all my light bulbs to CFL's. Then we have to drop off Obama 2012 bumper stickers with Laura. O'Malley has a conference call at six to save the bay. The NAACP wants to see the new floor plans for the 500 housing units you want to build downtown. You know who wants to discuss the EDU's for the reduced rates. I think we have one developer who wants them all. Barrie wants another meeting at the Chamber but don't tell anyone, it's a secret again.

Ireton: Come on Chuck, can you get someone else to get the mugs. I can't keep standing here.

Albero then walks up, pats Jimmy on the back and says, how are you Jim. Jim rolls eyes and says, it's Friday. He then says, don't call me, I'll call you.

And THAT was 3rd Friday, July 2012.


 We need to show more sympathy for these people:

* They travel miles in the heat.
* They risk their lives crossing a border.
* They don’t get paid enough wages.
* They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to do.
* They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.
* They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day ~ every day.
I’m not talking about illegals ~ I’m talking about our troops! Doesn’t it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don’t support our troops, and are even threatening to defund them?

Wouldn't it be great if we took the $360,000,000,000 (that's billion) we spend on illegals every
year, and spend it on our troops!!!

National Eat at Chick-Fil-A Day on Wednesday!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Thanks to your recent efforts at DumpStarbucks.com and DumpGeneralMills.com, we've shown the cultural elite, the gay millionaires who fund anti-marriage initiatives, and the biased media that the defenders of marriage are willing to put our money where our mouth is.

Well, this Wednesday, we have a chance to do it again—and this time even more literally—by coming out in support of National Eat at Chick-fil-A Day.

Imagine if folks all across the country united together in support of heroes like Dan and Truett Cathy that stand for strengthening marriage and family!


Withdrawal of US Troops From Afghanistan Halfway Done, Top Commander Says

This year's pullout of 23,000 American troops from Afghanistan is at the halfway mark, U.S. Gen. John Allen, the top commander of U.S. and NATO forces, said Sunday in an interview with The Associated Press.

It's a kind of milestone toward wrapping up the U.S. and NATO combat role after a decade in the war-torn nation - but Allen cautioned against putting too much emphasis on the U.S. troop drawdown, because the U.S.-led coalition's campaign is continuing.

Still, Allen said that he knows the clock is ticking on the NATO coalition's combat mission, which is to end at the close of 2014 - just 29 months from now.


Foreclosure Crisis Spurs Quest To Reinvigorate Suburbs

In the mythologized version of recent American history -- which is to say, the part where the suburbs devolved from the wholesome backdrop for family life into ground zero for a devastating foreclosure crisis -- we essentially got what we asked for.

Americans demanded gleaming houses on individual squares of lawn far removed from urban centers, and the people who finance and construct real estate delivered the goods. This is how we wound up with expanding rings of suburban sprawl orbiting every metropolitan area. This is how we turned ever-larger swaths of open space into grids of look-alike homes, the inventory that came to be tinder for the foreclosure inferno. The developers, bankers, salespeople and their government enablers were merely working to satisfy a public craving.


Founders' Wisdom on Reducing Violent Crimes

Who wasn’t shocked and disheartened by yet another tragic mass shooting in Aurora, Colo.?

As with millions of Americans, our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the victims of this murderous spree and their families.

We, too, commend the heroes who gave their lives to save others. Truly, every victim of this reprehensible executioner is in some way heroic, for they were injured or died in the midst of a cultural war in which even our theaters and schools have become battlegrounds.


Manuel Diaz Dead: Demonstrators Storm Anaheim Police Headquarters Over Officer-Involved Shooting

ANAHEIM, Calif. — Demonstrators stormed a police department in Orange County, Calif., on Sunday to protest an officer-involved shooting that left an unarmed man dead and led to a violent clash between witnesses and police.

A crowd swarmed the Anaheim Police headquarters' lobby Sunday as Chief John Welter held a news conference to discuss what happened the night before. The protesters chanted "no justice, no peace" and "cops, pigs, murderers" as officers stood by and watched.

Welter said two officers were placed on paid leave after one of them fatally shot 24-year-old Manuel Diaz.


Irrigation Business Reigns as Farmers Fight Drought

Extreme drought conditions across the country are turning irrigation systems into big business. A mix of dry, scorching weather has irrigation equipment in high demand. According to reports, revenues are up a third or more at leading firms. In parts of Georgia, it's more common than not to see a farm with an irrigation system installed.

"2010 came along and temperatures were 100 degrees without much rain," said Georgia farmer Steve
Doster. "We didn't make much cotton. It was pretty much a disaster."

Doster and his brother run their family farm in Pinehurst, Ga. This is his 20th season, and he is feeling the pain of the drought -- not just with the cotton, but his peanut crop, too.


Online Campaign for Bullied Schoolbus Monitor Karen Klein Tops $700,000

An effort to raise money for a bullied school bus aide in upstate New York has netted more than 140 times its goal.

The show of support for Karen Klein began in June after cell phone video showing four boys from Greece Athena Middle School in Greece, N.Y. bullying the 68-year-old grandmother was uploaded to YouTube.

The clip set off global outrage and spurred Max Sidorov, a 25-year-old Canadian, to start an online drive to send Klein on a vacation. Though Sidorov's initial goal was $5,000, the fund-raiser topped that amount by far when it concluded Saturday after amassing more than $703,000.


3rd Friday Brought In Small Crowd In Downtown Salisbury

While there were a few Albero For Mayor Tee Shirts last Friday evening, there really wasn't much of a crowd. It's unfortunate because we stuck around for a couple of hours to see if the traffic would increase but it was mainly vendors and their friends.

One person did tell me that they have come to a Third Friday event a few times now but have always felt uncomfortable. They went on to say how it feels like a "click" and for what it's worth, I have to agree.

It seems more like a private Jim Ireton and Friends Party. Considering we live on the Eastern Shore you'd think more people would be more welcoming, even if it was a simple hello or welcome. Instead, people do turn the other way, like Matt Maciarello and his Bride. Believe me, I'm not knocking Matt. I saw him three times and not once did he say hello nor did he make eye contact.

I did pat Mayor Ireton on the back and asked how he was doing but he was, (as usual) on his cell phone and lip sinked, (eyes rolling) it's Friday.

It's no wonder more people don't come. Maybe Salisbury News should open our doors and have our own little party on 3rd Fridays?

I should add: the Downtown Deli was closed and so was Eric the Barber. "Why stay open if no one is willing to spend any money".

Lawmaker To Put 'Teeth' In Anti-Obamacare Bill

If one Oklahoma lawmaker gets his way, any federal agent who comes the Sooner state trying to enforce the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – a.k.a. Obamacare – will face jail time, a $5,000 fine … or both.

State Rep. Mike Ritze, R-Broken Arrow, believes Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional and it is his state’s right and responsibility to declare it “null and void” under the U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment, which states any powers not delegated to the federal government are “reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

“I feel very strongly that the 10th Amendment is basically the watchdog of republic,” Ritze told WND. “The federal government was never intended to be as overreaching as it has been with Obama’s health-care act.”


Military Veterans Pick Romney Over Obama, 59-35

According to a brand new Rasmussen poll out this morning, military veterans prefer Mitt Romney by a wide margin, 59% to 35%. Another 5% prefer a third party candidate; 2% are undecided. This poll has been echoed by Gallup, which put the two at 58-34 back in May. John McCain won some 54% of the veteran vote against Obama. 


BREAKING NEWS: Astronaut Sally Ride Dies

Sally Ride, America's first female astronaut, dies at 61.

From Fox News

US Poverty on Track to Rise to Highest Since 1960s

The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.

Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.

The Associated Press surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest since 1965.


CBO: Income Inequality Not Getting Worse

There has been a lot of class-warfare talk from Barack Obama and his cohorts in the media (and Bane, in The Dark Knight Rises) that either intimates or baldly states that the rich are getting richer, the poor poorer, and the gap between them is ever-widening in America.  In addition, talk has been bandied about that the rich pay less taxes than the rest of Americans. But according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), neither of these leftist canards is true. 

Between 2007 and 2009, (once the Democrats took over Congress and the recession started) the earnings accrued after taxes by the top 1% of wage earners fell 37%. And even before taxes their earnings fell 36%. Meanwhile, the lowest 20% of earners saw their income grow by 3%, while the middle class dropped a modest 2%. This means that the incomes of the top 1% fell 18 times more than middle class incomes. In 2007, the top 1% earned 16.7 percent of all after-tax income, but by 2009, it had shrunk to 11.5%.


Strassel: Obama's Enemies List—Part II

First an Obama campaign website called out Romney donor Frank Vandersloot. Next the IRS moved to audit him—and so did the Labor Department.

This column has already told the story of Frank VanderSloot, an Idaho businessman who last year contributed to a group supporting Mitt Romney. An Obama campaign website in April sent a message to those who'd donate to the president's opponent. It called out Mr. VanderSloot and seven other private donors by name and occupation and slurred them as having "less-than-reputable" records.

Mr. VanderSloot has since been learning what it means to be on a presidential enemies list. Just 12 days after the attack, the Idahoan found an investigator digging to unearth his divorce records. This bloodhound—a recent employee of Senate Democrats—worked for a for-hire opposition research firm.

Now Mr. VanderSloot has been targeted by the federal government. In a letter dated June 21, he was informed that his tax records had been "selected for examination" by the Internal Revenue Service. The audit also encompasses Mr. VanderSloot's wife, and not one, but two years of past filings (2008 and 2009).


Protester Dressed as Clown Imitates Shooting Police With Umbrella Prop Gun at Occupy Seattle

As details emerge from the horrific shooting in Aurora, Colorado, the nation grieves and remains on edge towards sensitive topics relating to the crime. Knowing that the main Aurora-shooting suspect James Holmes allegedly behaved and disguised himself like “The Joker” clown villain from “The Dark Knight,” troubling new video has emerged of an apparent protester at Occupy Seattle dressed in clown garb pointing an umbrella at police and bystanders, and “shooting” them as if the umbrella were a gun.

Gateway Pundit, where the video is posted, reports that video was filmed Friday at the “Bring the Fight to the Banks” rally and march. In the video the clown is seen hurling the usually Occupy Wall Street “one percent” accusations at police and pedestrians, before aiming the umbrella at those he taunts while yelling “ba-bam, ba-bam!” When one police officier who the clown taunts appears to be getting unhinged by the shooting imitation, the clown brags to protesters “I’m getting to him. I really am.“ At one point a Seattle woman who was heckled by the clown while running to catch a bus yells back ”get a job.” While continually taunting and cursing at the police with fellow protesters, the clown refers to Seattle Police Chief John Diaz “Chief Dumb***.”


Knee Jerks: There’s Nothing The Left Won’t Exploit

After he booby-trapped his apartment with explosives, James Holmes walked into a theater Friday night and opened fire on a crowd waiting to see the first showing of the new Batman movie. He shot scores and murdered a dozen. Holmes acted for reasons unknown, but his actions were pure evil.

His actions also were his alone.

It doesn’t matter if he was bullied as a kid, recently dumped or whatever else anyone comes up with as a possible motive. Nothing “caused” him to do this other than whatever evil lives inside him.

But that hasn’t stopped many progressive liberals in and out of the media from speculating wildly, and seemingly hopefully, as to his motives and his political affiliation. It hasn’t stopped them from using this event as a platform to score political points on the issue of gun control. It’s sickening … and typical.


Netanyahu 'Rock Solid' About Iran-Hezbollah Terror Connection, Mum on November Election

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday repeated his assertion that Iran and its “terrorist proxy” Hezbollah are behind the recent suicide attack in Bulgaria and other similar efforts, but avoided commenting on the U.S. presidential race and Mitt Romney’s upcoming visit.

Netanyahu said his assertion that Hezbollah is behind the attack last week at a Bulgarian bus station that killed five Israeli tourists is based on “rock solid” intelligence and its resemblance to other, recent attempted attacks across the world, included an attempt in Cyprus.

“It’s the same modus operandi,” he said on "Fox News Sunday." “It’s them and we know it.”


Troopers Investigate Car Crash Into Building, Lewes

Location: Bayside Health Associates, 1529 Savannah Road, Lewes, DE

Date of Occurrence: Monday July 23, 2012 at approximately 1:10 p.m.

Operator and Vehicle Information:
Operator #1: Edward Yadeski, 85, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Vehicle #1: 2003 BMW 330
Passenger: Margaret W. Yadeski, 86, Rehoboth, DE (wife)

Lewes, DE- The Delaware State Police are investigating a crash in which a car struck a building.

The incident occurred earlier this afternoon around 1:10 p.m., as Edward Yadeski was operating a 2003 BMW 300 series westbound on Savannah Road, east of Westcoats Road. For unknown reasons, Yadeski left the north side of the roadway, striking a sign, a fence, and landscaping before crashing into the Bayside Health Associates building located at 1529 Savannah Road. No one inside the building was injured during the crash. Yadeski and his wife, Margaret, who were properly restrained, were removed from the scene by EMS and transported to Beebe Emergency Room where they are currently being treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

The investigation into the crash is continuing and charges are pending.

Building inspectors were on-scene examining the structure.

Election Countdown 2012: The Biggest Spending Is Yet to Come in a Presidential Race That Could Hit $3 Billion, And More

In today's Election Countdown 2012 news: The biggest spending is yet to come in a presidential race that could hit an eye-popping $3 billion; a year after Arizona began a nationally publicized effort to build its own border fence through private contributions, not a single fencepost has gone up; the emerging consensus in the Senate Democratic Conference is that the payroll tax holiday should not be extended for another year, even though the economy is slowing; and more.


Marines Create First Law Enforcement Battalions

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions -- a specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations.
The Corps activated three such battalions last month. Each consists of roughly 500 military police officers and dozens of dogs.


What If 20% Of Adults In That Theater Had Been Packing Iron?

I have a question.

If 20% of the adults in that Colorado theater had been armed with a handgun and trained in its use, how many people would have died in addition to the shooter?

I think the answer is clear: fewer.


Obama's Rhetoric

Barack Obama's great rhetorical gifts include the ability to make the absurd sound not only plausible, but inspiring and profound.

His latest verbal triumph was to say on July 13th, "if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own." As an example, "Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Let's stop and think, even though the whole purpose of much political rhetoric is to keep us from thinking, and stir our emotions instead.

Even if we were to assume, just for the sake of argument, that 90 percent of what a successful person has achieved was due to the government, what follows from that? That politicians will make better decisions than individual citizens, that politicians will spend the wealth of the country better than those who created it? That doesn't follow logically – and certainly not empirically.

Does anyone doubt that most people owe a lot to the parents who raised them? But what follows from that? That they should never become adults who make their own decisions?


'Transgender marriage' up next?

STOCKHOLM, Sweden – A crucial case on marriage and family set to be heard by the European Court of Human Rights offers the increasingly controversial institution a chance to undo an error committed a decade ago and stop what Malta’s high court called “social engineering,” according to the European Center for Law and Justice.

Experts say even the U.S., embroiled in its own battle over same-sex marriage, could be affected by the ruling.

The case, Joanne Cassar vs. Malta, centers on a “transgender” person – a man who underwent surgery in 2005 to resemble a woman – seeking government recognition and sanction of a “marriage” to another man.


Maryland Olympic Rower Ready For London Games

David Banks grew up in Maryland as a high school basketball player and track athlete.

But when the Winston Churchill High School graduate arrived on campus at Stanford University he found rowing and his athletic 6-foot-2 frame and competitive nature was a perfect fit for his new sport.

You could now say the rest is history for the U.S. Olympian from Potomac as he prepares to row on the U.S. men's eight-boat team in the London Games.


Hold Those Bills

House Republican leaders are putting two key Senate bills on hold. Legislation to overhaul the Postal Service and farm-and-food-support programs may have to wait until after November. GOP leaders do not want to ignite internal party disputes or risk voters' anger. The farm bill could force fiscal conservatives from rural areas to vote against farm subsidies. On the postal bill, they would have to signal their support for ending Saturday delivery service or go against the party establishment. This was Congress' last week in Washington until September. The House hasn't scheduled either bill for a vote.

Experts: Some Fracking Critics Use Bad Science

In the debate over natural gas drilling, the companies are often the ones accused of twisting the facts. But scientists say opponents sometimes mislead the public, too.

Critics of fracking often raise alarms about groundwater pollution, air pollution, and cancer risks, and there are still many uncertainties. But some of the claims have little -- or nothing-- to back them.

For example, reports that breast cancer rates rose in a region with heavy gas drilling are false, researchers told The Associated Press.


Intelligence Officials Admitted They Spied On Law-Abiding Americans

The director of national intelligence said they violated citizens' Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches on at least one occasion. It said the administration has addressed concerns and both Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court scrutinized the activity. The agency did not offer any more details in a letter to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) Wyden has accused the government of reviewing emails and phone calls of innocent citizens who are communicating with people overseas.

Award-Winning Actress Goes on Late-Night Twitter Rampage Against Conservatives, Jon Lovitz

Tony-winning actress Ellen Barkin seemingly went on a profanity-laced Twitter rampage against conservatives and Jon Lovitz recently, saying that she “loves everybody” except “u right wing ****in morons“ and that Jon Lovitz needs to ”shut the **** up.”

The first tweet reads: “Gotta go to bed. Work in morning.I love everybody…except u right wing ****in morons.X.”

And unlike other celebrities who post regrettable statements on Twitter, Barkin‘s tweets were still live as of this article’s publication (content warning for language).


A Miracle In Worcester County?

It appears that another anti-Obama sign has suddenly appeared on Route 50 just outside Ocean City, Maryland next to the Wal-Mart....

Look at the attached photo..... and tell me if the sign grew out in this corn field..... This is now the second sign in Worcester County in as many months..

Israel Alert For Attacks Abroad, Eyeing Olympics

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's prime minister said Sunday that his country is on alert for plots to kill more of its citizens overseas, after speculation that last week's suicide bombing of a tour bus in Bulgaria was a rehearsal for a spectacular attack on Israel's Olympics team.

Israel blames Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah for last week's bombing at an airport in the Bulgarian resort town of Burgas, just a little more than a week before the opening of the London Games. Five Israelis and a bus driver were killed. Iran called the accusation "baseless."

While Israeli officials are tight-lipped about security procedures for their athletes, they are on high alert on the 40th anniversary of a Palestinian attack at the 1972 Olympics in Munich that killed 11 Israeli athletes and coaches.


Wounded Warrior Weekend Crab Feast Fundraiser

Salisbury, MD - July, 23 2012 - ALL YOU CAN EAT Crab Feast on Saturday July 28th, 1-5 PM at the American Legion Post 64, Salisbury, Maryland to support the upcoming WOUNDED WARRIOR WEEKEND this fall. Across the Street From the Armory on Route 50 in Salisbury
All-U-Can-Eat Crabs * Hot Dogs * Hamburgers * Draft Beer * Pig Roast * Corn * MUSIC * 50/50

Each fall American Legion Post 64 brings combat wounded veterans from Walter Reed Hospital for an all-expense-paid bow hunting adventure. Getting these vets out of a sterile hospital setting and into our Eastern Shore woods is a great way to honor those who have sacrificed so much for us.

Calling all crab eating Patriots - Support those who have paid the price for our freedom!
$35 Tickets Available at Post 64 * 410-749-9814 or Minuteman Press * 410-548-7122
GPS: 1109 American Legion Drive, Salisbury, MD 21801 - SEE YA THERE!

Since 1919, the American Legion has been supporting VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. To the wonderful, patriotic citizens of Wicomico County - Help us to continue sponsoring Scholarships for our children, give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans and their families, and our Active Duty Personnel.

Proof! Establishment Media Controlled

Exclusive: Joseph Farah scorches 'journalists' who are 'selling their ethical, moral souls'

There was a rather low-key confession made in the New York Times last week that deserves to be blared throughout this country so that every American understands what they are reading in the establishment’s ultra-controlled, government-managed “press” – and I use that last word loosely indeed.

The admission came in the form of a story by Jeremy Peters on the politics page of the Times July 16. I’ve been waiting for others to point it out, discuss it, debate it, express shock and exasperation over it. But I’ve waited for naught.


Obama‘s Drop in Virginia Polls Blamed on ’Racism’ And…Vacations? State Sen. Says So

A new poll released by Quinnipiac University on July 19th, shows the President and Mitt Romney are tied 44-44% in the state of Virginia. Based on those numbers, Romney has erased the 8-point lead that President Obama held in March. That data is causing many Democrats to scramble for answers. One state official has even decided to play the race card in explaining it.

Following President Obama’s two-day campaign swing through Virginia last week, many expected his poll numbers to increase over Republican challenger, Mitt Romney. That did not happen. According to State Senator Louise Lucas, the problem comes from racism and vacations. Yes, you read that correctly. State Sentator Louise Lucas, one of the President‘s key campaign spokespersons in Virginia says the problems are rooted in Mitt Romney’s racism and vacations.


Today's Fill In The Blank 7-23-12

I have traveled to __ States in America.

A Letter To The Editor

MR Albero,

Our Antique yard sale over this past weekend was fantastic! Especially Friday we were almost overwhelmed, so busy didn't have time to think of taking photos of customers! Thank you again for your efforts and publication.

Good luck during the election, tho i think you have so many backers it won't be luck you win, it will because you need to win and have so many supporters!

The Post-Aurora “Rampage” Few Have Heard About

One day after a lethal shooting rampage in Aurora, Colorado left twelve people dead and scores injured, another eruption of criminal violence left one dead and several others injured in Anaheim, California. The perpetrators of the second assault were officers from the Anaheim Police Department, who used “non-lethal” rounds — such as rubber bullets, which are reliably lethal at close range – to disperse a spontaneous protest that coalesced after the “officer-involved shooting” of a young man in the neighborhood.


SU President Named One Of Maryland's Most Admired CEOs

SALISBURY, MD---Salisbury University President Janet Dudley-Eshbach has been named one of Maryland’s Most Admired CEOs for 2012. Created this year by The Daily Record, a Baltimore-based business newspaper, this inaugural award recognizes 30 Maryland leaders who have excelled professionally and in serving their communities.


Man Behind Columbine Crosses Returns to Colorado

An Illinois man who placed 15 crosses near Columbine High School after the 1999 massacre there has returned to Colorado with 12 crosses for the victims of a theater shooting.

Greg Zanis, of Aurora, Ill., began putting up the crosses Sunday on a hill across the street from the theater in Aurora.


Did I Say Iran?

Seventeen-year-old girl In Iran may go to jail for naming her rapists. Did I say Iran? I meant Kentucky

Kentucky teen faces charge for naming attackers

-- A 17-year-old Kentucky girl who was upset by the plea deal reached by a pair of teenagers who sexually assaulted her is now facing a contempt charge for tweeting their names in violation of a court order.

Savannah Dietrich of Louisville told The Courier-Journal (http://cjky.it/NEcirr ) she is frustrated by what she feels is a lenient deal for her attackers. After posting the names on Twitter, Dietrich wrote, "I'm not protecting anyone that made my life a living Hell."

The Associated Press does not normally report the names of sexual assault victims, but Dietrich and her parents say they do not want to shield her identity and want her case to be public.

The boys' attorneys have asked a judge to hold Dietrich in contempt for violating the confidentiality of a juvenile hearing and the judge's order not to speak about it.

Dietrich told the paper she was assaulted in August 2011 by two boys she knew when she passed out after drinking at a gathering. She learned months later that pictures of the assault were taken and shared with others.

"For months, I cried myself to sleep. I couldn't go out in public places," she told the newspaper, as her father and attorneys sat nearby. "You just sit there and wonder, who saw (the pictures), who knows?"


Today's Survey Question 7-28-12

When is the last time, (if ever) you visited the Humane Society in Wicomico County?

Bill Maher Uses Colo. Shooting To Hit ‘American Exceptionalism’: ‘Many Of The Things That Make Us Exceptional These Days Are Bad’

Bill Maher used the Aurora, Colo. shooting to hit at “American exceptionalism” and “[right] wingers” on Friday, tweeting that alleged gunman James Holmes’ actions are “a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad.”


See A Cop Use His Car To Stop An 88-Year-Old Man Driving The Wrong Way — And He Knew It!

When 88-year-old Kenneth Gill Scarborough, Maine, set out on Friday to pay his water bill, he probably didn’t expect it to end with him crashing head-first into the car of a state trooper. But that’s what happened. The “why,” however, will have you scratching your head.

See, in his rush to pay his bill, Scarborough ended up going the wrong way down Interstate 295. Trooper Douglas Copper got the call while conducting a traffic stop on a different vehicle. He immediately left and went in pursuit of Scarborough.


US Pledge to Rebuild Haiti Not Being Met

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — The deadly earthquake that leveled Haiti's capital more than two years ago brought a thread of hope: a promise of renewal. With the United States taking the lead, international donors pledged billions of dollars to help the country "build back better," breaking its cycle of dependency.

But after the rubble was cleared and the dead buried, what the quake laid bare was the depth of Haiti's dysfunction. Today, the fruits of an ambitious, $1.8 billion U.S. reconstruction promise are hard to find. Immediate, basic needs for bottled water, temporary shelter and medicine were the obvious priorities. But projects fundamental to Haiti's transformation out of poverty, such as permanent housing and electric plants in the heavily hit capital of Port-au-Prince have not taken off.


‘He Provided Me The Opportunity To Survive’: Woman Describes How Military Boyfriend Took A Bullet for Her During Shooting

A woman who survived the deadly Aurora, Co. movie theater shooting said her military member boyfriend laid on top of her during the gunfire, taking a bullet and sacrificing his own life to save hers.

Jansen Young said she didn’t realize at first what was happening when alleged gunman James Holmes opened fire on the theater where she was seeing “The Dark Knight Rises” with boyfriend Jon Blunk, according to NBC’s “Today.”

She described an object first sailing into the theater over the audience, which police have said contained an unknown gas.

“It flew up behind us…and it just went boom,“ Young said Saturday on ”Today.”


Statue of Famed Penn St. Coach Paterno Taken Down

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) - The famed statue of Joe Paterno was taken down from outside the Penn State football stadium Sunday as the NCAA announced it would be issuing sanctions against the university whose top officials were accused in a scathing report of burying child sex abuse allegations against a now-convicted retired assistant.

Workers lifted the 7-foot-tall statue off its base and used a forklift to move it into Beaver Stadium as the 100 to 150 students watched, some chanting, "We are Penn State."


Minority Business Participation In State Contracts Peaks, But Advocates Say Numbers Are Skewed

Minority business participation in state contracts last year reached its highest level since the program began in 1978, a Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs report said. Minority business enterprises (MBE) made up 24% of state procurement awards in FY 2011 and were given $1.6 billion worth of business, an 18% increase from FY 2010. The goal for the agencies has been 25% MBE participation in state contracts.

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Maryland Retains Triple-A bond Rating, But Pension Liabilities And Federal Cuts Cloud Future

The big three New York bond rating agencies last week again affirmed Maryland’s almost sacred triple-A bond rating, attributing the decades-old stamp of approval to a strong economy, high incomes, prudent fiscal management and a willingness to raise taxes. But as they have for recent bond issues, the three agencies said the state government continues to face financial challenges from its above-average pension liabilities and likely federal budget cuts, along with an increasingly sluggish economy.

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MD Lt. Gov. Discusses Gun Laws In Wake of CO Shooting

Lt. Gov. Brown was on WBAL-TV this morning.  Of the state's gun laws, he said, "We require that someone show good and substantial reason to own a gun." 

While that law is being challenged in court he said, "We think it's a good standard. 

We think it's a good filter."

While he acknowledged no law can prevent someone from obtaining a gun legally and committing an illegal act, he believes, "Applying standrads like good and substantial will help filter out, I think, bad actors from owning and possessing guns."  


The Cost Of The Left-wing's Ongoing Vendetta Against Reagan

What causes some people to feel compelled to make uninformed digs at President Reagan? Is it just that they are brainwashed or, if they are thoughtful people, just too involved with other matters to be well informed about Reagan? How many of the digs at Reagan are deflective activity by Clinton/Bush/Cheney/Obama shills diverting attention from the real causes of our woes?

Reagan and his administration are not above criticism, but Reagan most certainly is not to blame for the financial crisis or for the neoconservative wars for American hegemony.

The Reagan administration's interventions in Grenada and Nicaragua were not, as is sometimes claimed, precursors to Clinton's war on Serbia and the Bush and Obama wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, with more waiting in the wings. Reagan saw his interventions in the context of the Monroe Doctrine, not as an opening bid for world hegemony.

The purpose of Reagan's interventions was to convince the Soviets that there would be no more territorial gains for communism. The interventions were part of Reagan's strategy of bringing the Soviets to the table to negotiate the end of the cold war. Reagan believed that getting the Soviets to negotiate would be more difficult if they were still making territorial gains or gains that the Soviets might perceive in that way. Possibly, Reagan's advisers were wrong to put a Marxist interpretation on political events in Grenada and Nicaragua, but that is the way Reagan understood them.

When Reagan understood what the Israelis had lured him into in Lebanon, he pulled out. Reagan opposed war as an instrument of American hegemony. It is the neoconservatives who use war to achieve hegemony. Reagan was not a neoconservative.


How To Spot A ZMeth Lab, Drug Dealer In Your Neighborhood (video)

Many times, after police shut down a methamphetamine production facility, or meth lab, those nearby are shocked to learn that drugs were being produced in their neighborhood without them knowing.

Police say a meth lab looks like any other home. There may or may not be a lot of people coming and going , depending on whether the drug is sold out of the home, or if the “cook” delivers it to different customers.

Local police say that while it may be difficult to pinpoint suspicious activity at a meth lab, there are a few things to look for.


BREAKING NEWS: NCAA Announces Sanctions Against Penn State

Correction: NCAA announces $60 million sanction against Penn State, four-year football postseason ban and vacation of all wins from 1998 through 2011, less than two weeks after report accused former coach Joe Paterno, other top university officials of concealing child sex abuse allegations to avoid bad publicity

NCAA announces $60 sanction against Penn State, four-year football postseason ban and vacation of all wins from 1998 through 2011, less than two weeks after report accused former coach Joe Paterno, other top university officials of concealing child sex abuse allegations to avoid bad publicity.

From Fox News

Sheriff Arpaio Faces Re-election Amid Challenges, Controversy and Massive War Chest

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is as embattled as ever – facing multiple lawsuits, Hollywood and a field of challengers vying to unseat him in November. But the sheriff whose tough stances on illegal immigration and criminal punishment have sparked nationwide controversy has one big advantage in his re-election bid -- a nearly $7 million war chest.

The money far exceeds that raised by the independent and two Democrats trying to keep the Republican sheriff from winning a sixth term in Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix and is the state’s largest and most populated county.

Most of the 80-year-old Arpaio’s money comes from outside of Arizona, a fact that is neither a surprise nor a fact his campaign tries to downplay.


Colorado Shooting Suspect Was Rejected By Gun Club

AURORA, Colo. — Shooting suspect James Holmes applied to join a Colorado gun range last month but never became a member because of his behavior and a "bizarre" message on his voice mail greeting, the range's owner said Sunday.

Holmes, 24, emailed an application to join the Lead Valley Range in Byers on June 25 in which he said he was not a user of illegal drugs or a convicted felon, said owner Glenn Rotkovich.

But when Rotkovich called to invite him to a mandatory orientation the following week, he said he heard Holmes' voice mail greeting that was "bizarre — guttural, freakish at best."

It identified the number as belonging to "James," so Rotkovich said he left a message.


NY Marks 1 Year of Gay Marriage, Impact Unclear

New York became the largest and most influential state to legalize gay marriage one year ago, raising supporters' hopes that it would boost national momentum and pump money into the state with a flurry of weddings from Manhattan to Niagara Falls.

As the anniversary nears Tuesday, the law's effects are noticeable if hard to measure.

Thousands of same-sex couples have wed across New York, but it's unclear just how many, partly because marriage applicants aren't required to identify themselves by gender. The wedding business is up, but some planners in New York City say it's not booming.


Authorities: 11 Dead After Truck Crashes in Texas

GOLIAD, Texas (AP) - At least 11 people died Sunday and another 12 were injured after a pickup truck loaded with passengers left the highway and crashed into trees in rural South Texas, authorities said.

State troopers and Goliad County sheriff's investigators were investigating what prompted the single-vehicle crash and did not immediately know the names and ages of the victims. Gerald Bryant, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told The Associated Press they were various ages and that he personally saw two young children among the dead at the scene.

"This is the most people I've seen in any passenger vehicle, and I've been an officer for 38 years," Bryant said, referring to the chaotic scene.


Remembering the Colorado Victims

1 of 12: Alexander J. Boik, 18, attended Gateway High School in Aurora. He was supposed to begin studying at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in the fall.

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