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Monday, July 23, 2012

Authorities: 11 Dead After Truck Crashes in Texas

GOLIAD, Texas (AP) - At least 11 people died Sunday and another 12 were injured after a pickup truck loaded with passengers left the highway and crashed into trees in rural South Texas, authorities said.

State troopers and Goliad County sheriff's investigators were investigating what prompted the single-vehicle crash and did not immediately know the names and ages of the victims. Gerald Bryant, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, told The Associated Press they were various ages and that he personally saw two young children among the dead at the scene.

"This is the most people I've seen in any passenger vehicle, and I've been an officer for 38 years," Bryant said, referring to the chaotic scene.



  1. There needs to be a pick up truck BAN immediately!

    11 people dead because democrats refuse to ban these useless death traps.
    But wait, remember,
    Trucks don't kill people, people kill people.

  2. Obamie is on his way to pay last respects. It is election year.

  3. 8:35
    There are many mental health doctors in the area. Please take advantage of it.
    Pick-up beds are for hualing items , not humans. Of course some don't believe they are humans.

  4. 8:35
    Can you tell me the name of your doctor? Guns are for personal protection and hunting they are NOT meant for killing mass amounts of people. Of course some would like it if all the guns were gone. I wonder, if they do away with all the guns when the police will surrender theirs. Since no one will have guns they won't need theirs either. All theses body guards that protect the hollywood groups can go without guns as well. Oh and even the secret service can go without guns since if they take them away from everyone no one will have them right? There will be no danger in getting shot and no reason for them to have their guns either right?

  5. Story did not mention how meny were illegal sneaking into america

  6. 8:41 and 9:32

    Dimwits taking the bait.
    You are both idiots.
    Need I explain anymore?


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