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Monday, December 17, 2012



  1. Thanks for this Joe. Everyone needs to get on the Anti Psychiatric Labeling Movement bandwagon which is responsible for the over and unneccesary prescribing of these drugs. It's starts with Ritalin prescribed for ADD and doesn't stop.

  2. There was a really great series about this in the NY Review of Books last year. Thanks to the pharmaceutical industry, we have over-diagnosis of psychiatric illnesses in children and over-prescription of mind-altering drugs, many of which have never been tested on children.

  3. This is exactly the true source and it is perpetuated by a liberal school system that believes all children should conform and be alike. Parents don't fall for the reason your child seems what yourself and others think to be "weird" and buy the "highly functioning form of autisim" diagnosis. There's no such thing. True autisim profoundly disables a person to the point of them not being able to function independantly at all. They rarely communicate unless prompted and short one word answers are the norm.
    A child who is most comfortable in their own presence but otherwise funcions normally could have nothing more than a case of shyness. There's nothing wrong with that.
    A child who is loud and fidgety usually just has a higher energy level than other kids and must be made (without the use of drugs) to know when they are told to "sit still" it is meant but shouldn't be made to stop expelling excess energy when possible and at appropriate times however inconvenient it is to mom. Mom must make sure the energy is spent so the child doesn't act up in school or other inappropriate places.
    It's easy to make a child listen by giving them a pill but it's never a good idea.
    If a single mother has a chaotic lifestyle it will reflect on a child's behaviour. A responsible mother will modify her own behaviour and will notice it in her children.

    1. So Dad has no role to play in his child's behavior? I'm surprised you don't blame autism on "Mom," too.

  4. Just put them on welfare and food stamps and they will be too lazy to do anything. That will solve the problem.

  5. More and more info is coming out about this young shooter. To say the public school system has run amok is an understatement. The public school system is controlled by special interest starting with this new thing called inschool psycholgists who have a financial motive to falsely diagnose children and also the prescription drug industry and the testing industry which allows for modifing test scores when students are labeled.

    This poor kid because he was confortable in his own presence and didn't want to socialize was given a label. To think this doesn't have an effect on a child is ludicrous.

    And to any and all politicians who are standing there saying all the BS like "our hearts go out to the victims" well screw you and may you puke on your fake concern and sympathy. By not addressing the real problem you have directly caused it. The blood of all the victims in on their hands because they have allowed special interest to take over the school system and stand there silently or attempt to shift cause and blame.

  6. I'm posting again because everyone needs to read this. It is important. Found on Yahoo answers from 4 yrs ago-

    "Aspergers is such a fraud?

    I don't know what to do. My mom keeps saying I have aspergers and I am going crazy. I live in America and I don't have many friends but I am better off as most are really trashy and stupid anyway. I don't enjoy being with them and I much prefer to do my own thing as I have many interests and think a lot. But my mom won't stop with the aspergers. I know I don't have it and I hate being labeled. If anything, I am the most cosmopolitan, social guy you can meet but I just really hate my surroundings. It just retards me back into this depressed state as it makes me feel like I am some type of weirdo and I am 100% positive I don't have it because I know people who have it and they can't even hold a conversation. I can keep quiet for five hour car rides and fourteen hour plane flights. I just love life so much, it makes me really hate it when she says that. And, we get into these huge fights and then she labels me with anger issues but I know she is really screwed up in her thinking about this as she has no reason to say I do. what should I do because it just makes me depressed and it ruins our relationship. I try to tell her this but she never listens. I have enough to think about with my life, she doesn't have to complicate it so much. Why do I have to live in America? Everybody loves to label people. Maybe if everybody weren't so bored with their own lives and there was some poverty, we would realize what really matters rather than labeling somebody with some fictional, non-proven and non-curable disorder when he only isn't social around his peers because they make fun of him because he wears nice clothes. pensamientos...?"

  7. Of course Dad has a role in a child's behaviour but the point being made was instead of looking for an excuse for the behaviour look for a solution and attempt to control with appropriate activies.
    And I do "blame" mothers in part on this newest trend of over diagnosing children with "autisim spectrum disorder" because I tell it like it is and not what they want to hear and if feeling get hurt then too bad! If your child tends to be the quiet withdrawn shy type who doesn't live up to YOUR expectations-get over it and face the realization that everyone is of different personalities. Same with an overactive child. Get up off your fat lazy butt and go outside and kick a ball around with the child.
    Get out from under the rock you are under and face the fact that children are overdiagnosed and falsely diagnosed for the benefit of special interst.
    You sound so defensive that I tend to believe you are a "mom" or some other "professional" that has been taken in with these fake diagnosis' and if so you need to do some serious soul searching and your own research, Sister. Remember I tell it like it is and not what you want to hear and if your feeling get hurt then too bad-suck it up!

  8. I remember being really surprised when I realized that not everyone was like me. Live and let live.

  9. You can't sleep, try HARD work!


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