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Monday, December 17, 2012

Where Was God?


  1. So, let me see if I get this right. Huckabee thinks that because we don't live in a theocracy, where his religious viewpoint is forced upon everyone... we get this kind of tragedy? That God has been pushed out of view, when over 75% of Americans self identify as Christian, all the presidents have been Christian, almost all polititians ever have been Christian, and you can hardly walk down the street without bumping into some denomination of a Christian church? The assertions made here are really hard to make sense of when compared to the facts.

    I find it disgusting and reprehensible that Mr. Huckabee would use this tragedy to forward some false meme of persecution of a majority, and use it to make a blanket statement about society, as if one deranged person is representative of this entire nation.

  2. No, you didn't 'get it'.

    I doubt you ever will.

  3. Huckabee wasn't using any particular "religion" but more a philosophical arguement that when people don't believe that they will be held accountable for their actions by a higher power (God) a society turns into an anything goes mess. As hard as it is to believe and as much as we don't want to believe this can we really deny it? Crime and violence is everywhere around us anymore. Lack of morals and the decay of society is the reason. Morals are the guiding principle of Christian and other philosophical beliefs.

  4. "I find it disgusting and reprehensible that Mr. Huckabee would use this tragedy to forward some false meme of persecution of a majority, and use it to make a blanket statement about society, as if one deranged person is representative of this entire nation."...... And YOUR facts of rebuttal are? Thought so.. Just shut up and turn off your computer. You need rest and likely your meds.

  5. @ 8:01 PM

    I guess you didn't read my post, as the facts are layed out as this:

    "75% of Americans self identify as Christian, all the presidents have been Christian, almost all polititians ever have been Christian, and you can hardly walk down the street without bumping into some denomination of a Christian church"

    Let me give you some more! Britain is becoming more and more "anti-theist" every day. Abandoned churches are becoming night clubs and tattoo parlors. Muslims are overrunning the country. The number of horrific school shootings in England? ZERO. That's NONE. They boast some of the highest population rates of self described non theists in the world.

    The argument that we have some sort of moral decay, when Christians declare a monopoly on morality, AND boast 75% of the population AND almost all positions in government... the argument makes no sense when compared to the facts...

    Anyone care to postulate why there have been ZERO school shootings in "godless" England?


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