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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Slowing The Spread Of AIDS

A federal panel is recommending HIV testing for all Americans between the ages of 15 and 65. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force believes universal testing will slow the spread of AIDS. The Task Force is made up of outside experts who work through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The recommendation is open for public comment until Dec. 17. The task force says more than a million people in the United States have HIV, but 25 percent of them don't know it. That increases the risk they can spread the disease to sexual partners.


  1. I just loved all the morons who heard obama say his healthcare plan mirrors Romneycare. Another lie which when someone repeats only proves their complete and utter stupidity. Romneycare doesn't have these "panels." Nor is Obamacare in any way shape or form or by anyone's stretch of their imagination compare to any other countries healthcare system. They need to get that out of their pea brains also.

  2. are the commie-crats planning to force us to do this as well?

  3. Yep 1:58-It's what these health care panels Obama's put in place are "recommending." Funny how this comes out after the election isn't is?

  4. A more worthwhile test would be to see if Obama voters, supporters, and all democrats actually have a brain because that's really debatable.

  5. "The Task Force is an independent group of national experts in prevention and evidence-based
    medicine that works to improve the health of all Americans by making evidence-based
    recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling services,
    and preventive medications."

    Uh huh...what do you want to bet members of this task force also happen to sit on the boards of various pharmacuetical companies.

  6. It's a shame that others besides gays get this disease. If it only got rid of fags it would be wonderful.


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