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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

NAACP: P.G. Officers Should Not Be Fired For Spoof Video

Two Prince George's County police officers face possible firing over their appearance in a spoof video that mocks the racial profiling of black drivers, but the NAACP is questioning whether such severe punishment is justified.

The video, which was produced by a D.C. comic and uploaded on YouTube, features two black county police officers who — while in uniform and driving a marked police cruiser — conduct a mock traffic stop of a black driver and berate and harass the man using demeaning language and racial stereotypes.

County police officials were quick to condemn the “driving while black” video, which was uploaded on YouTube on Nov. 1 but taken offline Friday after the police department’s internal affairs division was tipped off to its existence and began investigating.



  1. If those officers had been white, the NAACP would be singing a completely different tune. Racists.

  2. Of course they need to be fired. This is just as "racist" as it would be if done by "white" cops..

  3. If it was not approved use of a goverment vehicle, and a violation of conduct while in uniform, they should be fired.

  4. No. make that video number one on youtube. It is a needed point.

  5. Fire BOTH of them NOW. If NAACP doesn't support this, they are RACIST!!!

  6. just about all of those 'cops' in pg need to be fired.

    almost all of them are crooked, corrupt, you name it


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