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Thursday, November 15, 2012


Contemporary opinion, including that of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, says a state’s right to secede died with the hundreds of thousands of bloodied victims of the Civil War and that the sentiment behind the dozens of petitions on the White House website seeking permission for most of the 50 individual governments to leave the union will be fruitless.
But historians would note that Thomas Jefferson, a “pole star among political philosophers because he based his politics on the eternal, self-evident, fundamental truths that all men are created free and equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inherent and inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” believed states have a right to leave the U.S.


  1. I do think it's time that States start leaving. ASAP! The debt clock of running wild, and there are states out there not participating in the runoff. This may be the only signal we can send.

    And by the way, we do not need "permission" from the Feds! Just read your Constitution! Simple gtfo!

  2. If we all secede, the Federal Government will necessarily cease to exist, whereupon we can elect a new crew to occupy OUR White House and Congress. Debt cancelled, have real interest rates, ni Fed Reserve, gold standard, work ethic, solid economy.

    Sounds like a Civil war, but a healing one.

  3. What are you guys smoking?

  4. Exactly - Post after post about secession convinces me that more and more people are clueless.However,for Jefferson to have subscribed to it is frightening,since he was supposed to be an intellectual.

  5. Let's be brutally honest here. The Feds will not let a state go voluntarily. So the states have the ability to succeed only if they can withstand the military force of the federal government.

    An outright attack wouldn't be much different than the secret attack that is already upon the people. It might be even be better, in that people really understand what's going on. The Emergency Banking Relief Act modified the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 to name the people as falling under that statute (making us enemies). From that point on, everything that we do requires licensing from the government.


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