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Thursday, November 15, 2012


Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is acknowledging that cuts in the federal budget should come from entitlements, not the defense budget.

Asked about sequestration, which the White House proposed in order to play chicken with the Republicans over tax cuts, Panetta said:

The fact is that, you know, we have addressed the discretionary area, we’ve taken almost a trillion dollars out of discretionary area and out of defense alone, almost a half a trillion dollars just out of defense. I think the responsibility now, both Republicans and Democrats, has to be to look at the entitlement area, what savings can be achieved on entitlements and what additional revenues need to be on the table as well.


  1. and when in the he-- do you suppose they will address unconstitutional and wasteful spending? hmmmm?

  2. The cut should not come from entitlements.
    "Entitlement: a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract"...
    As in Social security that you paid into your whole life. Or a retirement fund you contributed to your whole life. Or an unemployment benefit that runs out when you've collected all that you contributed.

    NOT the bastardization of the word Democrats have turned it into.
    The cuts should come from WELFARE. SNAP. Health and Human services.
    STOP rewarding stupidity, laziness and immorality while STEALING the money from people that EARNED it!

  3. He say's that now, he should have had the stones to say it before the election.

    He's resigning as secretary of defense, why are these mindless drones waiting until now to think they are speaking up?

    Panetta held back speaking the truth so Obama would get relected, all these cronies need to go.

    Resigning, Clinton, Pataerus, Panetta, and Gaightner, possibly Holder, this whole administration is unraveling and 50 states want out of the union. No leadership.

    All's well on Main street anywhere USA my a$$

  4. The Democrats were going to cut Entitlements and the Republicans raise taxes; what u did not know before the debates...big dummies!

  5. Do not help the people, but keep feeding the industrial military complex. For we cannot possibility operate on a budget any less than the next 9 largest militaries combined.


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