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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Maryland’s Immigrants More Educated, Legal And Asian

With a smaller fraction of Hispanic immigrants and a larger portion of Asian immigrants, Maryland diverges from stereotypes around the country by offering a  picture of immigrant life in which immigrants are more educated, more prosperous and more likely to be documented.
Nationally, more than half of all immigrants are from Latin America and about 28 percent are from Asia, according to 2010 Census data. But the proportion of Hispanic to Asian immigrants in Maryland is much closer than in other states - about 40 percent from Latin America and 33 percent from Asia.

Maryland has the 12th-largest immigrant population in the nation, with nearly 14 percent of residents foreign-born, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

1 comment:

  1. No, nothing died anywhere. Secession is an activity and legal in all states! And it's not a bad idea, It would keep the State in charge and help stifle the federal idiocy now in place. Although being a member of a United States was a beneficial thing long go, it may have become more of a burden than a benefit in today's world.


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