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Saturday, November 03, 2012

Reid Says He Can't Work With Romney

Five days before the election, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has ruled out trying to work with Mitt Romney should he win next week.
"Mitt Romney's fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable," Mr. Reid said in a statement on Friday, trying to puncture Mr. Romney's closing election argument that he'll be able to deliver on the bipartisanship President Obama promised in 2008 but has struggled to live up to.
Mr. Reid, a Nevada Democrat and a Mormon, like Mr. Romney, has become the Republican presidential nominee's chief critic this campaign, at one point accusing him of failing to pay taxes — a charge that Mr. Romney has refuted.


  1. Some people think they are more then what they are. LOL.

  2. And who really believes anything Reid says. Truly he should be put out to pasture. Lord hopes he is too old to reproduce.

  3. This guy belongs in a retirement home. (with a padded room and bars on the windows)
    His roommate should be Joe Biden!

  4. Harry Reid is the smartest person in the room.Just ask him.

  5. Oh well, poor Harry. Maybe its time for him do everybody a favor and resign. Someone in state of Nevada, please Vote This Bum Out !

  6. He really thinks people would miss him if he leaves????? He really thinks highly of himself. Self importance is not becoming.
    The Mormon faith does not claim this man. They are ashamed of him.

  7. Well, Reid sounds no worse than the GOP leadership did back in 09'. The real shame is that the voters keep putting clowns like this on both sides of the aisle back in office.

  8. He looks like a dried up prune. Powerful because of morons reelecting him. If I were a Democrat, and truly concerned about America, I would stay home on Tuesday. But I know you won't because you are required to support the Muslim Brotherhood. I predict that if Obama wins this election there will be a run on the banks, because he will then have free access to your savings and checking accounts. That law is in the Obamacare bill,page 58&59. This is true. Read it!

  9. retirement Home for sure...he has old timer's disease!

  10. Well, Harry, then why don't you just quit? Hell, No one will miss you! We all hate you anyway, so, hey, hang out for five more days, then eat a gun barrel!

  11. Who says Harry won't be the minority leader? Or, no leader? Harry is a butthead!!!

  12. When he is reduced to minority leader it won't matter. Besides, he hasn't done anything in the past three years so what makes anyone think he would actually do his job, regardless of who gets elected. He should be fired for not doing his job.

  13. Ii would life to see Harry Reid brought up on charges of contempt of Congress and perjury. He made statements on the floor of Congress while Congress was in session, stating he had irrefutable proof that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes in 10 years and was thus a felon.
    If anyone here reading this article made a statement in front of Congress that was as blatant a lie as this was there would be a room reserved for them at the local Club Fed

  14. dam harry !!!!!!!!u look like you have 1 foot in the entitled grave anyway!!!!! go back home to vegas and u and worthless pelosi and obama can see how a real president runs a country

  15. Gosh, kids! You're really not showing much love toward you're fellow man! Oh, wait, he's not our "fellow".

  16. that announcement just bought votes for Mitt

  17. Is anyone running against this MORON - or is he not up for reelection this cycle. I'd love to know who else to support!


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