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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Record 70.4 Million Enrolled in Medicaid in 2011: 1 Out of Every 5 Americans

A record 70.4 million people were enrolled in the Medicaid health care program for the poor in fiscal year 2011, according to government figures provided to CNSNews.com.
That figure equals about 22 percent of the population, which means there was one person on Medicaid for every 5 Americans in 2011.
The record number of Medicaid enrollees in 2011 – the most recent year for which figures are available – is a count of all persons enrolled in Medicaid for any part of that year, providing the fullest and most accurate count of the size of the entitlement program. (The federal fiscal year in 2011 ran from Oct. 1, 2010 to Sept. 30, 2011.)


  1. Again, this writer refers to social security as an "entitlement!" It is NOT an entitlement. It is a retirement fund just like any other 401k or annuity investment made with a commercial organization. You pay the money into the fund and at some point it is paid back... The only REAL difference is that government does not comply with it's own laws.

  2. And you wonder why Obama got elected?

  3. I am trading in my iPhone for an oPhone!

  4. Looks like some of you (that's working) may have to get a second job!

  5. When you get laid off, and your max unemployment is 1000.00 for a family of 4 every 2 weeks, and your cobra payment is 1387.00 a month and your mortgage is 937.00 a month what do you pay? You go without insurance and hope for the best, and know that there is a safety net if the worst happens.

    Until this country gets a handle on healthcare premiums medicaid enrollment will continue to climb. A comparable plan for a family of four with a pre-existing condition (asthma) was almost 800 a month.

    1. $800 a month? Where? We pay over $1200. But we pay it. We do without other things so we can have it.

  6. To 11:46, you really don't understand how SS works, do you? It's the same as any other welfare program. The tax money I pay today provides SS benefits to retirees. That's the way it's been since it was created. It's nothing like a private retirement program. It's a welfare program pure and simple and its cost is sinking our nation. I love how all the old people complain about people on food stamps when they are on a far more expensive welfare program themselves.


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