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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Question Of The Day 11-11-12

Some want President Obama to forgo a lavish 
inauguration ball in 2013. Should he? 


  1. No. I think he should be more elaborate than ever so the folks can see how much he really cares.

  2. Yes, he should. Will he? Nope. King Obama and Queen Michelle only get the best while the rest of us suffer.

  3. Anon 12:24 PM, that is a joke, right?

  4. I think he and Michelle should go all out and spend as much as possible. It's not often that we get to see an emperor crowned.

  5. He should have a dollar a plate dinner and only invite all of the illegals who voted for him. THAT should raise a LOT of money!

  6. No re-elected president should have an inaugural ball. The event should only be held for newly elected presidents.

  7. He should go to IRAN and throw a party there with all his MUSLIM Family members...

  8. Hes done nothing but waste the taxpayers $$$s since he got in office so why change now.

  9. Have the celebration banquet but charge for seats on a sliding scale.

  10. No inauguration ball and Michelle should have all those expensive trips nipped in the bud.

  11. Absolutely not, and quit the traveling all over the world spending unnecessarily Michelle

  12. There should only be an inaugural ball if all expenses come out of Obamas pocket.

  13. Karl Rove should have to pay for it. He already wasted hundreds of millions of super pac funds painting putting lipstick on that pig of a republican candidate. Maybe he could pass the bucket around at his next kkk meeting.


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