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Sunday, November 11, 2012


After a decade of defeats and dozens of rejections by voters across the United States, campaigns for same-sex marriage have found friendly voters in Maine, Maryland and apparently in Washington state, according to early returns.
What now?
There likely will be lawsuits against churches. Justices of the peace or other officials could have a bull’s-eye on their backs. Small businesses, such as photographers, venue operators and cake bakers will be hit with claims under anti-discrimination laws. And more.
That’s according to Frank Schubert, who has worked on campaigns to defend the traditional definition of marriage.


  1. Yeaaaaa, this was the forecast. BUT I hope WE THE PEOPLE ultimately understand that our Founders put into place the Separation of Church and State clause for a reason although I'm not sure they could have foresaw this kind of debauchery.

    These people were free to enter into a contract and call it marriage or whatever they wanted.

    To force a church or other religious institution to "marry" them is wrong, wrong, wrong and UNconstitutional as well.

  2. Sick!!

    I just don't understand why Americans can't comprehend the fact that gays are suffering from a mental illness!

  3. Churches cannot be sued to preform marriages, it is in the law.
    Justices of the peace and other officials cannot withhold the rights of marriage just like they cannot refuse mixed race or Muslims the right.
    If you run a business yes you have to obey the law.

  4. Gee my schedule is full and can not accommodate you on that date. end of conversation.

  5. Without the understanding of equal treatment and true family values by Romney voters, who voted yes to this question, it would have never passed. Thank you, you more than made up for the percentage of black church vote that went no on this.

  6. So what will happen when muslims take over this country? They won't put up with that crap.

  7. Your right 2:00 pm: Muslims will stone the gays to death soon

  8. Thanks for the sanity 1:25

  9. Churches should marry homosexuals. Whomever is performing the marriage could pepper the ceremony with all the Bibiblical verses damming homosexuality. Afterall it is the clergy's job to point out errant ways of the flock.


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