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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Planned Parenthood Sends Letter to Supporters Lauding Free Birth Control for Four More Years

 In a letter e-mailed to supporters on Wednesday, Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards said she was “thrilled” that President Barack Obama was reelected, because it ensures four more years of free birth control.
“After a year of relentless, outrageous attacks on women's health and rights, I am thrilled today to be celebrating the re-election of President Barack Obama,” Richards wrote.

“Now we can count on another four years of a president who is an outspoken supporter of Planned Parenthood,” Richards wrote. “We can count on birth control with no co-pays, and increased access to affordable care.


  1. “We can count on birth control with no co-pays

    How about you count on PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES??

    Buy it YOURSELVES??

    Here's a novel idea, DON'T HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX!!

    If you don't want a baby, DON'T DO THINGS THAT MAKE BABIES!!!

    attacks on women rights my ass.

    You don't want people to tell you what to do with your bodies.

    But you want us to give you FREE BIRTH CONTROL??

    Here is some free birth control: hold an aspirin between your knees.

  2. 10:06 if I'm a woman already paying insurance premiums for coverage that include preventive care, how am I asking for something for free?

  3. 10:06 are you going to adopt the children, or b**** further when the parents have to enroll into the health care system, which you are paying for both the parent and the child. Which is cheaper and more feasible here?

  4. 10:06 if I'm a woman already paying insurance premiums for coverage that include preventive care, how am I asking for something for free?

    November 8, 2012 10:50 PM

    That is a good question and I'm both glad you brought it up and not so glad.

    The glad part is it made me research the subject, for what I thought would be ammunition to blow you off the internet.

    The not so glad part is I didn't exactly find what I wanted.

    Claiming that the services for which women are covered by virtue of their labor and their earnings are "free" feeds into a narrative persistently cultivated by the far right that taxpayers and the government are footing the bill to expand services "for free" to people who did not earn these. It simply is not true.

    Such as the above quote.

    According to its latest annual report, PPFA received $487.4 million in tax dollars over a 12-month period and performed 329,455 abortions.

    I was thinking, wrongly it appears, that tax monies were used for your 'free' birth control.

    I came back to this blog subject later in the day and now don't have that much time to further my research into this to give a better informed opinion.

    The term 'free' in free birth control seems to mean no co-pays. Which would indicate, as you mentioned, that the person has insurance and would not be required to pay out of pocket expenses such as a co-pay.

    So, as in your case, it appears you would not get 'free' anything since you are paying premiums for insurance.

    Now in regards to others with no insurance, I will have to dig deeper and find out. But I'm tired and going to bed. It will have to wait til tomorrow.

    And, I want to see where the above mentioned tax monies went to. It appears it went to pay for abortions but I am not sure.

    So, I wish I caught this sooner so I could get more into it with you and really find out what I need to know. You have given me reason to doubt myself and I freely admit that.

    It would seem I jumped on the band wagon without checking the facts. So kudos to you. :)

    And if you or anyone else has already done this research, please share.

    Goodnight and we will continue this later.

  5. pp has no need for money from the feds since they make millions on abortions every year...and they don't offer mammography as the media would have you believe.

  6. 10:50, "preventive care" means a measure taken to prevent disease such as vaccines.

  7. LOL-I guess PP can continue on with those mammograms also!
    This is one of the reasons I am done with any and all Obama supporters. Obama lied constantly about PP doing mammograms (plus many other lies) when they do not and never have. What kind of parent would ever vote for him? Only a parent who approves of lying and dishonesty. These are not the people any caring parent would ever let associate with their children.

  8. I say if you are an Obama supporter-Free Birth Control. It is our only hope at this point. We have got to control them.
    Look what these people have done to our inner cities. Look at the percentage of them in the prison populations. They've been like a boil oozing pus and have overtaken and everywhere they go they turn the area into a crime infested hellhole.

  9. Problem is that the wrong folks are using the birth control.....

  10. "Anonymous said...
    10:06 if I'm a woman already paying insurance premiums for coverage that include preventive care, how am I asking for something for free?

    November 8, 2012 10:50 PM"

    Because of what the definition of preventive care is. Now that being said, you are free to upgrade your existing policy to include birth control.

  11. 641 I'm no doctor, and suspect it's partially drug companies pushing it, but I know both my wife and daughter were prescribed bc as a measure to regualte their cycles and decrease the risk of problems in the "reproductive areas". Mind you, this was the recommendation of the physician.

    120am, thank you, thank you, thank you. One of the first times I've seen any commenter here actually try to address an issue with the facts. Not just sling insults or regurgitate talking points.

  12. What's interesting is the founder of PP Sanger I believe her name was, started PP in order to control the number of undesirables. These ghetto types that we see today had no place in her world and had it been up to her they would have been rounded up and forced to have abortions so the country wasn't overrun with them. She seems to have been a visionary in retropect.

  13. Doctors do push prescriptions on patients. They get alot of perks for doing so from drug companies.
    The bottom line is the less drugs people take the better.
    Never ever take birth control to regulate a cycle or decrease the risk of anything and if a doctor tells you you should find another doctor.

  14. 120am, thank you, thank you, thank you. One of the first times I've seen any commenter here actually try to address an issue with the facts. Not just sling insults or regurgitate talking points.

    November 9, 2012 7:36 AM

    Thank you and you are welcome.

    I try to be fair and admit when I'm wrong. It doesn't happen often but it happens. :)

  15. I have come to the conclusion that Margaret Sanger was right.

  16. It has to be cheaper for the insurance companies to provide free birth control than to pay for pre-natal care, any maternity problems, childbirth, & then the kid's medical expenses for years.

  17. What's ironic 9:01 is that Sanger was preaching no more no less than the KKK. Same exact principles these people do not deserve to live and must be exterminated. Oh but the leftists choose to forget about that and they can get away with it because of the lack of intellect of their supporters.
    If called to task they say that PP has changed it's mission statement-well so has the KKK.

  18. I want to add my appreciation for this conversation--it honestly is one of the only times I have seen people have a rational discussion of difficult issues. Pretty awesome, so kudos to y'all!

  19. I am pro-choice, however I have a confused look when I think about NASA touting life on Mars, by spending billions of dollars to discover a micr-organism on Mars and call it life, yet people don't consider the heartbeat of an under developed baby, life here on earth.

  20. It would be nice if all this "free birth control" and "tax payer supported abortions" actually resulted in fewer children being born. Are we to believe that without it we'd be up to our eyeballs with babies?

  21. We should be putting birth control in all the government free cheese and other food products, got to control an uneducated population some how.

  22. 9:52,and the idiot multitudes follow.


  23. ""We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population"

    Who spoke these words? The Klu Klux Klan? Aryan Nations? The National Socialist (Nazi) Party? These are the words of Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest provider and promoter of legal abortion in the United States"

    And Obama supports this organization whose founder hated and wanted blacks exterminated. Nice....

  24. Drug companies making it free? BC if not, SOMEONE has to pay,,like TAX PAYERS!


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