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Thursday, November 08, 2012


If Republicans don’t go along with calls by President Obama for higher taxes and the nation goes off a “fiscal cliff,” then the GOP is to blame, says a Democratic congressman.

“We face a fiscal cliff,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., on CNN. “They (Republicans) face a very important question on this fiscal cliff. Are they going to drive off the fiscal cliff with the message that nobody in the country gets tax relief unless very high income earners get a bonus tax break? That’s the message they want to send to the American people. I just think it’s unsustainable.”
Van Hollen is among those who favor tax increases as a way to reduce the national deficit.


  1. Ok I just got this email. Why is Andy Harris' name listed with these Democrats?


    Congratulations - You Did It!

    Dear ....,

    With superior support, strategy and groundwork to "Get Out The Vote," progressives not only won Tuesday, but gained more than most of us thought possible:

    President Obama decisively won both the popular and electoral college votes

    Progressive U.S. senators survived well-funded attacks and added Elizabeth Warren (MA) and Tammy Baldwin (WS), so the next Congress will have the largest number of women ever
    Maryland returned Senator Ben Cardin plus 7 House incumbents to Congress: Jon Cardin (MD-3), Cummings (MD-7), Edwards (MD-4), Harris (MD-1), Hoyer (MD-5), Ruppersberger (MD-2), Sarbanes (MD-3), and Van Hollen (MD-8) and replaced Republican Bartlett (MD-6) with Democrat John Delaney

    Perhaps most exciting was Maryland's leading the way to pass Questions 4 the Maryland Dream Act and 6 Marriage Equality, becoming one of only three states to enact the latter by majority vote at the ballot box!

    None of these gains could have been won without your invaluable participation and support, for which we are deeply grateful.

    Now we need your help every bit as much to resume the enormous work of holding elected officials accountable to "improve the lives of working families" through fairer taxes and elections, more affordable quality education and health care, and a stronger economy. Progressive Maryland is poised to use this momentum to pursue an ambitious 2013 agenda, but only with your continued support.

    Please join or renew your membership and contribute as much as you can now!

    With deepest appreciation!


    Kate Planco Waybright
    Interim Executive Director
    Progressive Maryland

    PS. All year you count on Progressive Maryland to
    fight for your family. Now we're counting on you.
    Please join, renew or contribute all you can!

  2. sustainable...the new BUZZ word.

  3. Come on Kate. MD sucks.
    And as long as there are no cuts i agree with no taxes. Why should we pay more so government can spend more on the 47%. Sorry can't go along with that. It is the givemcrats that don't want to work together.

  4. Tax cuts for the rich cost .678T over the next decade. Tax cuts for the middle class cost 2.78T over the next decade. Unless both get raised, along with a massive reduction in federal spending, we're screwed.

    In other words, we're screwed.

  5. The Pubs and Crats remind me of 2 mountain goats ramming their heads together.We are the casualties of this inability to compromise.


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