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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Obama Enters 'Fiscal Cliff' Talks Calling For $1.6T In Tax Hikes

President Obama, ahead of his first press conference since winning re-election and a meeting later this week with congressional leaders, staked out his starting point for fiscal cliff negotiations -- $1.6 trillion in tax hikes. 
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney made clear that the president is sticking by his original budget plan, which includes $1.6 trillion in new revenue, by raising taxes on households making more than $250,000. 
"The president has put forward a very specific plan that will be what he brings to the table when he sits down with congressional leaders," Carney said.


  1. You spoke and was heard so get ready to pay for YOUR mistakes DEMS

  2. The plan is to further destroy the middle class by taxing us out of existence. Ruin the economy, kill jobs, legislate the middle class from being able to borrow money and what have you left - the ruling elite and the poor. Show pity on the poor that you created and you have votes for life. Thanks for the pity Comrade Obama, but no thanks, I'd rather work and be happy.

  3. I can guarantee most of SBYnews readers that a stop gap spending measure will be in place by the fiscal cliff deadline;

    The following will happen:
    1. Debt ceiling will be raised yet again.

    2. Taxes will be increased on the upper, middle, and lower class citizens.

    3. Air Force 1 will continue to burn fuel like never before.

    4. At this time next year our country will be at least another trillion dollars deeper in debt.

  4. It's HOUSEHOLDS making more than $250,000 now?? I thought his tax hikes were originally for INDIVIDUALS making more than $250,000??

    Lies again or did I misinterpret? Why can't we just move to a flat tax rate?! Or does that sound too simple?


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