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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Health Group Proposes Another $1 Cigarette Tax Hike

Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative is proposing another dollar-per-pack increase to the state’s current $2 dollar cigarette tax. The cigarette tax has been raised three times in the last 15 years and has coincided with a 32% drop in cigarette smoking during that time, which is double the national average.

A Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids study estimates that the proposed tax increase is expected to raise roughly $100 million annually in state revenue. The campaign also estimates the increase will lead to a 11% decrease in youth smoking, prevent roughly 25,000 kids from becoming addicted and would save 14,000 Maryland lives from premature, smoking related deaths.

“We want to continue to reduce teen smoking,” said Vincent DeMarco, president of the Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative. “Every 10% increase in price equals a six to seven percent drop in teen tobacco use.”



  1. I don't smoke or drink so they can tax smokes and alcohol all day long. sorry smokers and drinkers.

  2. Yeah well Maryland says poo.we are taxed enough. They've consistently taxed the smokers.its time they find another demographic to tax.can't wait till they start taxiing gym memberships and energy drinks golf etc....

  3. another projected 100 million..yeah right just like the last hike!! those projections will never happen after smokers go to del or va or quit altogther. but of course they probably have spent that 100 mil already..another reason to leave MD

  4. hey make it a $5 tax... i dont smoke and dont really care put the money in a fund to help people with health issues due to secondhand smoke

  5. just keep lowering cigarette revenue...

  6. they are going to tax themselves out of a source of revenue

  7. 9:56 What kind of reasoning is that? I guess you think that soda and candy should be taxed too. If you think the state is going to stop at cigs and alcohol you are wrong!

    1. Nope once ciggs and alcohol are eradicated they will have nothing left to tax but soda candy etc. I especially can't wait till all you whining butt health nuts gets taxed....can see it now...oh they're taxing us for living healthy keeping medical bills down at tax payers expense. Blah blah blah.it ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun.

  8. Less people are smoking now so they have to raise taxes on cigarettes just to make the money they made years ago.

  9. I'm all about taxing the $hit out of Cigarettes and other tobacco products more than ever! I am an ex-smoker, but that isn't my reason. We need to promote national health because if we don't then we, the tax payers, are going to pay a whole hell of a lot more for all those cancer ridden folks on ObamaCare!

  10. The hypocrasy is stunning. Of course no one should smoke but either should no one be subject to eating food which isn't properly and accurately labeled.
    I could never understand the "super" parent who fretted over second hand smoke in restaurants while their beloved child was shoveling in poison and toxins and known carcinogens found in our so called safe food supply.
    Food causes more health problems that smoking ever did.


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