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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

OCPD Retire Veteran K9 “Tacko”

On November 9, 2012, the Ocean City Police Department officially retired veteran police
OCPD K9 Tacko
OCPD K9 Tacko
K9, “Tacko”, after almost 8-years of service. 
Tacko was born August 28, 2001 in Czech Republic and came to the U.S. via Tarheel Canine, located in North Carolina.  In early 2005 Tacko was partnered with PFC Flower and both attended 10 weeks of basic police K9 training. After completion in the spring of 2005, PFC Flower and his new partner served the citizens and visitors of Ocean City for eight summer seasons. 
Tacko was certified eight times by the North American Police Working Dog Association (NAPWDA) and the National Law Enforcement Canine Organization (NLECO). During his distinguished police career with the OCPD, Tacko has had over 1500 deployments, which include building and vehicle searches, searches for suspects as well as open field searches for evidence resulting in the detection and recovery of illegal contraband and the arrests of hundreds of suspects.  In addition, Tacko has assisted other Maryland law enforcement agencies, the US Air Force and US Customs Service with drug interdiction and detection. 
“Tacko retires with distinction and honor,“ commented Chief Bernadette DiPino. “The OCPD relies heavily on our K9 partners to do what no other police resource can do. They are invaluable assets in fighting crime.  Tacko will be missed by officers and citizens alike.”
Tacko will remain with PFC Flower and his family. “I really believe he put a smile on everyone’s face that he encountered,” commented PFC Flower. “Tacko attended numerous shift roll-calls and greeted every officer he could.  He worked so hard for so many officers.  He was the best partner and officer could ever hope to have.”
PFC Flower, who is now in the process of selecting and training a new K9 partner, continued “Tacko will have a well-deserved life of leisure; he will settle into a hum drum quiet suburban life far away from his busy police K9 duties, it has been a privileged to have been blessed with such a great K9 partner and friend.”
The OCPD wishes K9 Tacko a happy well deserved retirement and looks forward to welcoming PFC Flower’s new K9 partner in the future.

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