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Friday, November 02, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Judge Dismisses My Case Against Mayor Jim Ireton

A retired Judge from Easton dismissed my case against Mayor Ireton this morning. The Judge felt there was insufficient evidence that Mayor Ireton damaged me by calling me a "Delaware Blogger".

The idea that the highest local Official for Salisbury would lie to the public by making such a statement is beyond me, I believe that the comment was made to call into question my residency because I will be opposing him in the upcoming election. The judge has made his ruling and with all due respect it's time to move on.

I have no intention to appeal.

I believe we have proven our point through the Court of Public Opinion.


  1. You won because the public now knows Liartion lied.

  2. If you would of already filed do you think the outcome would of been the same?


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