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Friday, November 02, 2012

115th Military Police Battalion Deployment Ceremony

The Maryland Army National Guard held a deployment ceremony Nov. 1, 2012, at the Command Sgt. Maj. Blair Lee Crockett Readiness Center Salisbury, Md., for the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment of the 115th Military Police Battalion. The Soldiers will deploy for one year to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The more than 70 members will serve as advisors and mentors to the Afghan National Police to help build Afghanistan's domestic security forces. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Thaddeus Harrington, Maryland National Guard Public Affairs Office.) 

CLICK HERE to see more pictures


  1. Ok. So we are going there to teach them how to kill us! Are we stupid or what? Just give Afganistan a few billion more bucks and they just kill us with the guns Holder gave them.

  2. But.....but....but.....I thought Obama was bringing the troops home. Could this all be a lie?

  3. 10:50 Everything Obama says is a lie. Our Country deserves better leadership. With Obama there is no true leadership.

  4. Our prayers are with you guys. We shouldn't be sending our young men and women into this environment at all. They have been turning their weapons on the troops training them in mass numbers over the last 6 months. If our government is so worried about homeland security then secure the homeland borders and not 150 + countries we have military bases throughout the world. These idiots want war it's extremely profitable for certain corporations. Fear mongering and war repeatedly for decades. Every time a bomb kills an innocent civilian in one of these countries, our government creates a new terrorist out of their child or brother.

  5. Good luck and keep your heads down fella's.

    That being said, that sure is a raggedy looking unit. Maybe they'll just let you guys park the vehicles and drive the real soldiers around.

    One good thing to come out of your deployment, you should come back thinner.

  6. Not good news. Our men & women need to be coming home, NOT going over there.

  7. Please pray for them. There stands brave soles.


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